Financial Accountability

One of the most important gifts our supporters bestow upon us, is their trust in managing the funds they donate. We take this responsibility very seriously and hold ourselves to the highest standards of financial accountability.


We are proud to present our FY 2023 Annual Report

Bats are an integral component of global ecosystems, and our network of partners has worked together to learn more and protect them, from the discovery of a Hill’s horseshoe bat roost in Rwanda, to the expansive work of our bi-national Agave Restoration Initiative, to a first-ever State of the Bats Report evaluating the status of bats in three countries.

Discover the Global Landscape of Bat Conservation.

View Report

Past Annual Reports

Annual Report FY 2023- Global Cooperation and Teamwork to Save Bats

Annual Report FY 2022- The Global Landscape of Bat Conservation

Annual Report FY2021 – Adaptation & Discovery.

Annual Report FY2020 – Global Science. Global Results.

Annual Report FY2019 – Science. Facts. Results.

Audited Financials

Form 990s

Form 990 for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2023

Form 990 for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2022