A world without bats would look very different than the one you know — and not for the better.

With more than 1,400 species located all around the globe, bats play a substantial ecological role that is vital to the health of our natural ecosystem and human economies.

Here are just a few of the important ways bats enrich our lives:

  • They pollinate, disperse, and protect valuable cash crops, including bananas, guava, durians, cashews, dates, figs, cacao, sugar, corn, cotton, and agave (the kind we need to make tequila!)
  • Fruit-eating bats in the tropics disperse seeds that are critical to restoring cleared or damaged rainforests
  • Bat poop, known as guano, is a valuable natural fertilizer with far-reaching benefits to landowners and communities


Mexican Free-tailed Bat
Views of Nature Photography

Bat Profiles


Mexican free-tailed bats and a few evening bats are in flight near this bat house in the Bibin Orchard, Quitman, GA
Mark & Selena Kiser

Bat Houses

Bats are important in our natural world. Installing a bat house in your backyard supports bats’ ecologically essential roles, such as controlling pests. Plus, their nightly displays of aerial acrobatics are fascinating to observe.


A mother and pups roost in an attic in Pennsylvania
Donna Hensley

Bats in Homes and Buildings

There are many reasons why and how bats enter human structures. Some bats can get confused while foraging or migrating. In addition, man-made structures such as homes often provide safe environments with stable temperatures that can attract bats, especially in areas where they have lost natural habitat. Whatever the reason, your compassion and response can make the difference.


Mexican Free-tailed Bat
Jonathan Alonzo

Found a grounded or injured bat?

If you have found a grounded or injured bat, the best option is to call a specially trained bat rehabilitator or bat rescuer. Never touch or handle a bat directly. When following guidelines to capture bats safely, wear heavy leather work gloves. Bat World Sanctuary provides a nationwide list of wildlife rehabilitators, biologists, veterinarians, conservationists and educators who have volunteered to help rescue and remove bats. If a bat rehabilitator or rescuer is not available in your area, contact your state wildlife agency or Department of Natural Resources.


Thomas Lipke

Games and Activities

Are you ready to start learning all about bats? Check out our activities and fun facts that you can share with your family and friends.


Serrah Galos

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? We have answers.



Your Donations = More Bats Protected

When you stand with us, you are joining a global movement committed to fighting bat extinctions. Together, we can protect bats, protect their habitats, fund research and more.