AN ALL-female-based choir in Basingstoke will mark a milestone anniversary this month with a theatre concert. 

The Hampshire Harmony group is marking its 60th anniversary at The Haymarket on Sunday, July 14.

Under the guidance of music director, Clare Oliver, the choir, with its upper-voice ensemble of soprano, mezzo, and alto voices, is proud of its rich history and strong community ties.

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(Image: Hampshire Harmony) In the group’s 60-year history, Hampshire Harmony has evolved countless times.

Founded initially as the Oakridge Singers in 1964 for the wives of men working at the AWRE (Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, now known as AWE) in Aldermaston, the choir grew in number and reputation under music director Ken Williams, drawing in women from a wider area before renaming as Basingstoke Ladies’ Choir.

In recent years, the group underwent its latest name change to Hampshire Harmony to represent its growing membership base and diasporic involvement in the Hampshire community.

The group has travelled extensively throughout the UK and abroad, winning prizes at music festivals, all while raising funds for various local charities.

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This includes an appearance at the BBC’s Last Choir Standing competition in 2008, where the group made it to the final 15 from 1,000 entries.

Today, the group is headed by its music director, Claire Oliver - a veteran performer who has appeared as a soprano soloist in operas and on BBC 1 and Radio 4.

The upcoming concert at 3pm at The Haymarket promises a delightful mix of classic and contemporary tunes, from soul-stirring sacred music and Les Misérables to James Bond and Coldplay. The choir hopes former members will attend to share memories and photos. 

Planned for later this year is a Christmas Concert on November 30 and a performance at the Tower of London on December 7. An open evening will be held at Everest Academy on September 9 when new voices will be welcome. 

Tickets for the anniversary concert are £18, £10 for students and £8 for under 16s.

For bookings and enquires, contact the Anvil Arts box office on 01256 844244.