BASINGSTOKE council were 'not aware of any issues with postal voting' after concerns were raised about delays.

The delays, which could affect more than 90 constituencies according to The Telegraph, have meant that a number of voters may not have received their ballots in time for the general election on Thursday, July 4.

Completed postal votes must be received by councils by 10pm on polling day.

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A spokesperson for Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) reassured residents that they are 'not aware of any issues' with postal votes in the Basingstoke and North West Hampshire constituencies.

They added: "The number of completed postal votes that we have received is in line with the number we would expect at a parliamentary election.

"There has not been an unusual number of electors asking for their postal votes to be re-issued and is in line with the number we would expect for a parliamentary election."

Voters in the two constituencies that applied for their postal vote by Thursday, May 30, were sent the 'first batch of ballot papers' on Monday, June 17, said BDBC.

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"A further batch was sent on Monday, June 24. This was for electors that applied for a postal vote between Friday, May 31 and the deadline on Wednesday, June 19," added the council.

The borough of Basingstoke and Deane is covered by four parliamentary constituencies; North West Hampshire, North East Hampshire, Basingstoke and East Hampshire, meaning that electors may receive their ballots on different dates, depending on the council that has issued the postal vote.