Many detailed statistics are based on play-by-play accounts accumulated by Retrosheet. These totals may be incomplete (3.6% of all plays from 1912 to 1968 are missing or have incomplete accounts, click link for year and team summary of data completeness) for some players prior to 1969 and even complete seasons may not match the official totals due to errors in both the official totals and the play-by-play accounts.

Summary of 251 Home Runs

0 leading off, 6 walk-off, 19 tying, 93 go ahead, 12 lacking some details

2 Tms
PHI 217
CHC 34
vs RHP 204
vs LHP 47
Home 165
Away 86
2 88
1 84
0 69
Unk 10
8 Opps
NYG 49
BRO 47
STL 45
BSN 30
CIN 28
115 Pitchers
Dazzy Vance 8
Grover Alexander 8
Bill Doak 7
Bill Sherdel 6
Jack Scott 6
11 Parks
Baker Bowl (PHI) 141
Ebbets Fld (NYC) 23
Polo Grounds (NYC) 21
Busch Stad 1 (STL) 18
Wrigley Fld (CHI) 17
Where Hit
9 214
89 8
8 4
7 3
General field locations
when available.
Game Totals
1·HR gms 218
2·HR gms 15
3·HR gms 1
Gms w/ this # = 0
are not shown.
--- 114
1-- 46
-2- 25
12- 21
--3 15
1 39
2 13
3 37
4 19
5 26
+4.. 27
+3 9
+2 12
+1 21
Tied 78
Before event,
for batter
CF 172
RF 60
PH 12
LF 7
3rd 124
2nd 57
6th 29
4th 15
5th 14
High Lev 53
Medium Lev 67
Low Lev 108

Play By Play

Play By Play
1913 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
11111913-08-03CHCBROBull Wagnerb 8267IPHR
22211913-08-05CHCBROCliff Curtisahead 6-0b 211234670.02499%Home Run; F. Schulte Scores; H. Zimmerman Scores; V. Saier Scores
33311913-09-11CHCBROEd Reulbachbehind 3-5b 72-2-29PH0.34752%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Archer Scores
44411913-09-27CHC@CINGeorge Johnsonahead 4-0t 521--2370.06496%IPHRInside-the-park Home Run to CF; J. Evers Scores
1915 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
55111915-04-26CHC@CINCurly Brownt 2168IPHR
66211915-04-27CHC@CINRed Amesahead 3-0t 8112-3680.04299%IPHRInside-the-park Home Run to CF (CF-RF); H. Zimmerman Scores; V. Saier Scores/unER
77311915-05-14CHC@BROEd Appletonahead 18-3t 90---1680.000100%Home Run
88411915-06-13CHCBSNDick Rudolphb 128
99511915-07-06 (2)CHCCINFred Toneyb 518
1010611915-07-09CHC@BROJeff Pfefferahead 2-1t 20---1680.10472%Home Run (Deep RF)
1111721915-07-09CHC@BROJeff Pfefferahead 3-1t 40--32680.07090%Home Run (Deep RF); V. Saier Scores
1212811915-07-31 (1)CHCNYGChristy Mathewsontied 0-0b 4212-3680.32187%IPHRInside-the-park Home Run to RF; H. Zimmerman Scores; P. Knisely Scores
1313911915-08-01CHCPHIGrover Alexanderb 518
14141011915-08-21 (2)CHC@PHIAl Demareebehind 0-2t 81--32680.29946%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Zimmerman Scores
15151111915-08-31 (1)CHC@NYGRube Schauertied 0-0t 41---1680.15463%Home Run (Deep RF)
16161211915-09-27 (1)CHCCINLefty Georgetied 2-2b 71---1680.25179%Home Run (Deep RF)
17171311915-09-28 (1)CHCCINGene Daleahead 5-3b 82--32680.04099%Home Run (Deep RF); F. Schulte Scores
1916 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
1818111916-04-26CHCPITBabe Adamsahead 3-2b 811-33380.07099%Home Run (Deep RF); D. Zwilling Scores; M. Flack Scores
1919211916-04-29CHCSTLBill Doaktied 0-0b 12---1380.11763%Home Run (CF-RF)
2020311916-05-08 (1)CHCPITWilbur Coopertied 0-0b 82-2-2380.36494%IPHRInside-the-park Home Run to CF; G. McConnell Scores
2121411916-05-10CHCBSNTom Hughesbehind 8-11b 901--2380.10017%Home Run (Deep RF); M. Flack Scores
2222511916-05-11CHCBSNDick Rudolphahead 1-0b 62---1380.12185%Home Run (Deep RF)
2323611916-05-17CHCBROJeff Pfefferahead 3-1b 32---1380.08485%Home Run (Deep RF)
2424711916-05-30 (2)CHCSTLBob Steeletied 1-1b 60---1380.18876%Home Run (Line Drive to Deep RF)
2525811916-06-21 (1)CHCCINFred Toneybehind 1-4b 81-2-2380.13121%Home Run (Deep RF); M. Flack Scores
2626911916-06-30CHC@STLBill Doakbehind 1-3t 5239PH
27271011916-07-05CHC@PITFrank Millertied 1-1t 41---1380.15663%Home Run (Deep RF)
28281111916-09-02 (2)CHC@STLSteamboat Williamst 52358
29291221916-09-02 (2)CHC@STLSteamboat Williamst 80158
1917 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
3030111917-07-28CHCNYGFerdie Schuppbehind 0-1b 3112-3580.30677%Home Run (Deep RF); L. Doyle Scores/unER; F. Merkle Scores
3131211917-07-29CHCNYGRube Bentonbehind 2-6b 80---1580.0357%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
3232311917-08-02 (2)CHCBSNFrank Allenbehind 0-1b 60---1580.20557%Home Run (Deep RF)
3333411917-08-09CHCBROSherry Smithtied 1-1b 711--2580.31290%Home Run (Deep RF); L. Doyle Scores
3434511917-09-12CHCCINPete Schneidertied 0-0b 21-2-2680.18375%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); L. Doyle Scores
1918 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
3535111918-06-01PHICINGeorge Smithbehind 1-2b 81---1280.34055%Home Run (Deep RF)
3636211918-06-19PHIBSNDick Rudolphtied 0-0b 101--2280.16975%Home Run (Deep RF); D. Bancroft Scores/unER
3737311918-06-28PHI@NYGAl Demareetied 0-0t 11---1280.11760%Home Run (Deep RF)
3838411918-07-02PHI@NYGSlim Salleetied 2-2t 7212-3280.41691%Home Run (Deep RF); E. Burns Scores/unER; D. Bancroft Scores/unER; C. Williams Scores/unER
3939511918-07-13 (1)PHI@STLGene Packardbehind 0-7t 62--32280.0132%Home Run (Deep RF); D. Bancroft Scores
4040611918-08-20PHI@STLGene Packardtied 0-0t 321--2280.25173%Home Run (Deep RF); E. Jacobs Scores
1919 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
4141111919-04-25PHINYGGeorge Smithahead 5-1b 42---1280.03495%Home Run (Deep RF)
4242211919-05-04PHI@NYGRed Causeyahead 3-2t 90---1280.08094%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
4343311919-05-06PHI@BROBurleigh Grimesahead 6-0t 20---1280.02097%Home Run (Deep RF)
4444411919-06-01PHI@BROJeff Pfeffertied 3-3t 72--32280.33582%Home Run (Deep RF); B. Adams Scores
4545511919-06-02 (2)PHI@NYGJean Dubucahead 6-3t 62---1280.05493%Home Run (Deep RF)
4646611919-06-10PHI@CHCClaude Hendrixbehind 2-6t 70---1280.0398%Home Run (Deep RF)
4747711919-08-20 (1)PHICHCAbraham Baileytied 0-0b 11-2-2380.16974%Home Run (Deep RF); L. Blackburne Scores
4848811919-08-26 (1)PHICINHod Ellertied 0-0b 111--2380.18774%Home Run (Deep RF); L. Blackburne Scores
4949911919-08-29 (2)PHIBSNAl Demareebehind 1-4b 521-33380.34951%Home Run (Deep RF); L. Callahan Scores; L. Blackburne Scores
1920 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
5050111920-04-15PHI@BROJohnny Miljusahead 7-6t 90---1280.08593%Home Run (Deep RF)
5151211920-05-01PHINYGPhil Douglasahead 4-0b 72---1380.01599%Home Run (Deep RF)
5252311920-05-07PHIBSNJohnny Jonesbehind 2-5b 621--2280.19631%Home Run (Deep RF); D. Bancroft Scores
5353411920-05-22PHI@CHCSpeed Martinbehind 3-8t 52---1380.0286%IPHRInside-the-park Home Run to CF
5454511920-05-31 (1)PHIBSNJoe Oeschgerbehind 0-2b 82---1280.10018%Home Run (Deep RF)
5555611920-05-31 (2)PHIBSNEddie Eayrstied 0-0b 30---1280.12568%Home Run (Deep RF)
5656711920-06-08PHICHCGrover Alexandertied 0-0b 31---1280.13066%Home Run (Deep RF)
5757811920-06-24PHICINSlim Salleebehind 0-3b 11---1280.08631%Home Run (Deep RF)
5858911920-07-05 (1)PHI@NYGJesse Barnestied 0-0t 51--32380.18576%Home Run (Deep RF); G. Paulette Scores
59591011920-07-31PHICHCHippo Vaughnbehind 0-2b 40---1480.12441%Home Run (Line Drive to Deep LF)
60601111920-08-03PHICHCGrover Alexanderbehind 0-1b 32---1480.13451%Home Run (Deep RF)
61611211920-08-07 (2)PHICINHod Ellerahead 1-0b 41---1480.11279%Home Run (Deep RF)
62621311920-08-11PHISTLJesse Hainesbehind 7-18b 92-2-2480.0000%Home Run (Deep RF); B. LeBourveau Scores
63631411920-09-06 (1)PHIBROJeff Pfeffertied 0-0b 12---1380.11262%Home Run (Deep RF)
64641511920-09-18PHICHCLefty Tylertied 3-3b 52---1380.17068%Home Run (Deep RF)
1921 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
6565111921-04-19PHIBRODutch Ruethertied 0-0b 12---1380.09861%Home Run (Deep RF)
6666211921-04-28PHIBSNJack Scottahead 4-2b 31---1380.07882%Home Run (Deep RF)
6767311921-05-11PHICHCHippo Vaughnbehind 6-18b 821--2680.0000%Home Run (Deep RF); I. Meusel Scores
6868411921-05-16PHIPITEarl Hamiltontied 0-0b 21-2-2680.15472%Home Run (Deep RF); R. Wrightstone Scores
6969511921-05-31PHI@NYGJesse Barnestied 2-2t 61---1680.16863%Home Run (Deep RF)
7070611921-06-05PHI@STLJesse Hainesbehind 0-1t 21---1680.10648%Home Run (Deep RF)
7171711921-06-27PHINYGPhil Douglasahead 10-7b 701--2680.03898%Home Run (Deep RF); C. Lee Scores
7272811921-07-02 (1)PHIBROLeon Cadorebehind 3-7b 6112-3680.22137%Home Run (Deep RF); R. Wrightstone Scores; I. Meusel Scores
7373911921-07-04 (2)PHIBSNJack Scottbehind 0-1b 50---1680.14557%Home Run (Deep RF)
74741011921-07-11PHISTLBill Doakahead 5-3b 32-2-2680.12687%Home Run (Deep RF); E. Konetchy Scores/unER; C. Williams Scores/unER
75751111921-08-05PHI@PITHal Carlsontied 2-2t 32--32680.19368%Home Run (Deep RF); B. LeBourveau Scores
76761211921-08-18 (2)PHIPITWhitey Glaznertied 1-1b 42---1680.13064%Home Run (Deep RF)
77771311921-08-22PHICHCElmer Pondertied 1-1b 120---1680.353100%Walk-OffHome Run (Deep RF)
78781411921-08-23PHICHCBuck Freemantied 0-0b 50---1680.13570%Home Run (Deep CF)
79791511921-08-27PHICINPete Donohuebehind 2-3b 81---1480.30956%Home Run (Deep RF)
80801611921-08-31PHISTLJesse Hainesbehind 3-9b 51--32480.04911%Home Run (Deep RF); B. LeBourveau Scores
81811711921-09-07 (1)PHINYGArt Nehfbehind 1-7b 70---1480.0204%Home Run (Deep RF)
82821811921-09-07 (2)PHINYGPhil Douglasbehind 0-5b 40---1480.05315%Home Run (Deep RF)
1922 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
8383111922-04-15PHIBSNDana Fillingimahead 7-2b 61---1480.01798%Home Run (Deep RF)
8484221922-04-15PHIBSNGarland Braxtonahead 11-2b 71--32480.001100%Home Run (Deep RF); C. Walker Scores
8585311922-04-26PHINYGJesse Barnestied 0-0b 20---1480.09465%Home Run (Deep RF)
8686411922-05-06PHI@NYGPhil Douglastied 0-0t 611--2480.24475%Home Run (Deep RF); C. Walker Scores
8787511922-06-15PHICINCactus Kecktied 0-0b 11--32380.11270%Home Run (Deep RF); G. Rapp Scores
8888611922-06-16PHICINDolf Luqueahead 4-2b 72---1380.06892%Home Run (Deep RF)
8989711922-06-23PHIBSNMule Watsonahead 5-0b 51-2-2380.02898%Home Run (Deep RF); F. Parkinson Scores
9090811922-06-24 (2)PHIBSNDana Fillingimtied 0-0b 12---1380.09260%Home Run (Deep RF)
9191911922-06-25PHI@BROHarry Shrivertied 0-0t 12---1380.09456%Home Run (Deep RF)
92921011922-06-26PHIBSNMule Watsonahead 8-3b 60---1380.01598%Home Run (Deep RF)
93931111922-06-28 (2)PHI@NYGRosy Ryanbehind 2-4t 82---1380.08817%Home Run (Deep RF)
94941211922-06-30PHI@NYGArt Nehftied 1-1t 32---1380.10956%Home Run (Deep RF)
95951311922-07-12 (1)PHI@STLClyde Barfootahead 6-2t 921--2380.015100%Home Run (Deep RF); F. Parkinson Scores/unER; C. Williams Scores/unER
96961411922-07-14PHI@STLJeff Pfefferahead 3-0t 30---1380.06485%Home Run (Deep RF)
97971511922-07-27PHICINDolf Luquebehind 3-5b 721-33380.48874%Home Run (Deep RF); L. Meadows Scores; F. Parkinson Scores
98981611922-07-28PHICINPete Donohueb 8138
99991711922-07-31PHICHCGeorge Stuelandbehind 0-9b 61---1380.0051%Home Run (Deep RF)
1001001811922-08-04PHISTLBill Sherdelbehind 0-7b 321--2380.05510%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Smith Scores
1011011911922-08-24PHI@PITMyrl Brownbehind 1-8t 60---1380.0143%Home Run (Deep RF)
1021022011922-09-03PHI@NYGClaude Jonnardtied 5-5t 721--2380.31977%Home Run (Deep RF); R. Wrightstone Scores
1031032111922-09-05 (1)PHIBRODazzy Vanceahead 5-1b 61-233380.02999%Home Run (Deep RF); R. Wrightstone Scores; G. Rapp Scores
1041042221922-09-05 (1)PHIBROAl Mamauxahead 9-3b 801--2380.002100%Home Run (Deep RF); G. Rapp Scores
1051052311922-09-06PHIBROLeon Cadoreahead 2-1b 5112-3380.18091%Home Run (Deep RF); R. Wrightstone Scores; G. Rapp Scores
1061062411922-09-14PHISTLJesse Hainesbehind 0-7b 321--2380.05510%Home Run; P. Behan Scores
1071072511922-09-20 (1)PHICHCGeorge Stuelandtied 0-0b 111--2380.15070%Home Run (Deep RF); G. Rapp Scores
1081082611922-10-01PHI@BROBurleigh Grimesahead 4-0t 711--2380.04598%Home Run (Deep RF); R. Wrightstone Scores
1923 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
109109111923-04-20PHI@BROPaul Schreiberahead 3-2t 501--2380.16083%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); W. Holke Scores/unER
110110211923-04-26PHIBRODutch Ruetherbehind 0-1b 111--2380.15862%Home Run (Deep RF); W. Holke Scores
111111311923-04-28PHIBRODazzy Vancebehind 0-1b 40---1380.11956%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
112112411923-05-01PHIBSNTim McNamarab 1238
113113521923-05-01PHIBSNTim McNamarab 3138
114114611923-05-03PHIBSNLarry Bentonbehind 3-4b 71-2-2380.32675%Home Run; G. Rapp Scores
115115711923-05-04PHINYGArt Nehftied 4-4b 211-33380.17579%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF); G. Rapp Scores; W. Holke Scores
116116811923-05-06PHI@BROLeon Cadorebehind 2-7t 82---1380.0092%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
117117911923-05-09PHISTLEpp Sellbehind 0-1b 401--2380.18668%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1181181011923-05-11PHISTLBill Sherdeltied 3-3b 31-2-2380.15773%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1191191121923-05-11PHISTLLou Northahead 14-9b 71-2-2380.012100%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); J. Mokan Scores
1201201231923-05-11PHISTLLou Northahead 17-12b 821-33380.006100%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); B. Henline Scores; H. Sand Scores
1211211311923-05-12PHICINPete Donohueb 418
1221221411923-05-17PHICHCGrover Alexanderahead 3-0b 30---1380.05688%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1231231511923-05-22PHIPITWilbur Cooperbehind 2-9b 501--2380.0469%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1241241611923-05-23PHIPITJim Bagbybehind 3-6b 72---1380.07818%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1251251711923-05-24PHI@NYGHugh McQuillantied 0-0t 12---1380.09756%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1261261811923-05-27PHI@NYGRosy Ryanbehind 1-7t 311--2380.06313%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); R. Wrightstone Scores
1271271911923-06-02PHINYGArt Nehfbehind 5-7b 82--32380.37853%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Sand Scores/unER; C. Williams Scores/unER
1281282011923-06-04PHIBSNDana Fillingimb 1138
1291292111923-06-30 (2)PHIBRODutch Henryahead 5-0b 50---1280.02097%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1301302211923-07-02PHINYGJack Scotttied 0-0b 11---1280.09162%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF)
1311312311923-07-14PHISTLClyde Barfoottied 3-3b 22--32280.16470%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); J. Mokan Scores
1321322411923-07-26PHI@STLFred Toneytied 0-0t 40---1280.12262%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1331332521923-07-26PHI@STLFred Toneytied 3-3t 81-2-2280.30585%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); C. Mitchell Scores
1341342611923-07-29PHI@STLBill Doaktied 0-0t 101--2280.14968%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1351352721923-07-29PHI@STLClyde Barfootahead 3-2t 821--2280.20191%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1361362811923-08-04 (1)PHI@PITBabe Adamsahead 1-0t 52-2-2280.19080%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1371372911923-08-07PHI@PITLee Meadowstied 1-1t 5212-3280.31480%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); B. Henline Scores; H. Sand Scores
1381383011923-08-20 (2)PHICINRube Bentonbehind 0-4b 30-2-2280.11235%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1391393111923-08-23PHICHCGrover Alexanderbehind 3-5b 80---1280.14734%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1401403211923-08-24PHICHCTony Kaufmanntied 5-5b 70---1280.18178%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1411413311923-08-27PHISTLBill Sherdelbehind 3-6b 52---1280.08826%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF)
1421423411923-09-07PHI@NYGMule Watsonbehind 0-1t 321--2280.20957%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); J. Ring Scores
1431433511923-09-08PHI@NYGArt Nehftied 0-0t 11---1280.09557%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1441443611923-09-11PHIBRODutch Ruetherahead 5-0b 71---1280.01099%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1451453721923-09-11PHIBROGeorge Smithahead 9-0b 821--2280.000100%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); L. Metz Scores
1461463811923-09-28PHIBSNRube Marquardtied 0-0b 11---1280.09162%Home Run (Deep RF)
1471473911923-09-30PHI@BRODazzy Vancebehind 2-3t 72---1280.19643%Home Run (Deep RF)
1481484021923-09-30PHI@BRODazzy Vanceahead 4-3t 121--32280.08496%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Ring Scores
1491494111923-10-04PHI@BSNJoe Batchelderahead 5-2t 8212-3280.06499%IPHRInside-the-park Home Run to RF (Line Drive to CF-RF); J. Wilson Scores; L. Metz Scores
1924 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
150150111924-04-20PHI@BRODutch Ruetherahead 1-0t 40---1380.10874%Home Run (Deep RF)
151151211924-05-01PHI@BROBurleigh Grimesbehind 3-7t 72---1380.0326%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
152152311924-05-05PHINYGWayland Deantied 0-0b 11-233480.15278%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Sand Scores; J. Mokan Scores
153153411924-05-06PHINYGJack Bentleytied 0-0b 20---1480.09865%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
154154521924-05-06PHINYGJack Bentleytied 2-2b 60-2-2480.16984%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); J. Mokan Scores
155155611924-05-30 (1)PHINYGVirgil Barnesbehind 4-11b 70---1380.0122%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
156156711924-06-09PHICINDolf Luquetied 2-2b 31---1380.11164%Home Run (Deep RF)
157157811924-06-23 (2)PHIBSNAl Yearginbehind 3-2b 51---138
158158911924-07-06 (2)PHI@NYGArt Nehftied 0-0t 12---1380.10256%Home Run (Deep RF)
1591591011924-07-20 (2)PHI@STLAllen Sothorontied 0-0t 111--2380.17067%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1601601111924-07-23PHI@STLJohnny Stuarttied 0-0t 1012-3380.17877%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Sand Scores; G. Harper Scores
1611611211924-08-04PHICINDolf Luquetied 0-0b 11-2-238
1621621311924-08-09 (1)PHIPITWilbur Cooperbehind 0-2b 12---1380.09041%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1631631411924-08-15PHI@CHCVic Keenbehind 2-6t 311--2380.12026%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); G. Harper Scores
1641641511924-08-18PHI@STLBill Sherdeltied 0-0t 3112-3380.24379%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); J. Ring Scores; J. Schultz Scores
1651651611924-08-20 (1)PHI@STLLeo Dickermantied 0-0t 12---138IPHR
1661661711924-08-22PHI@CINPete Donohuetied 0-0t 31---1380.11759%Home Run (Deep RF)
1671671811924-08-28 (2)PHIBSNJoe Genewichbehind 1-2b 521--2380.27466%Home Run (Deep RF); G. Harper Scores
1681681911924-09-04PHINYGRosy Ryantied 6-6b 1001234380.061100%Walk-OffHome Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Betts Scores; H. Sand Scores; F. Henrich Scores
1691692011924-09-12PHICHCVic Aldridgetied 1-1b 30---1380.10666%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1701702121924-09-12PHICHCVic Aldridgeahead 2-1b 421-33380.21089%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); W. Holke Scores; J. Mokan Scores
1711712211924-09-18 (2)PHIPITLee Meadowsbehind 0-1b 111--2380.16462%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1721722311924-09-19PHICINRube Bentonbehind 3-2b 31---138
1731732411924-09-28PHI@NYGWalt Huntzingerahead 9-4t 62---138
1925 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
174174111925-05-05PHINYGJack Scottbehind 3-4b 31---1390.10753%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
175175221925-05-05PHINYGWayland Deanahead 6-4b 42-2-2390.12588%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF); R. Wrightstone Scores
176176311925-05-18PHISTLFlint Rhembehind 2-8b 62---1390.0215%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF)
177177411925-05-23PHICINTom Sheehanbehind 4-9b 901--21PH0.0336%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); G. Harper Scores
178178511925-06-01PHIBSNRosy Ryanahead 11-9b 80---13PH0.03897%Home Run (Deep RF)
179179611925-07-14PHISTLLeo Dickermanbehind 2-3b 8012-3290.36093%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); R. Pierce Scores; J. Wilson Scores
180180711925-07-18PHICHCSheriff Blakebehind 2-7b 1021234290.0396%Home Run (Line Drive to Deep RF); H. Betts Scores; B. Friberg Scores; L. Fonseca Scores
181181811925-08-16 (2)PHI@BROLloyd Brownahead 8-2t 90---1390.002100%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
182182911925-08-22 (2)PHISTLAllen Sothoronahead 1-0b 211234390.16789%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); B. Friberg Scores; H. Sand Scores; F. Leach Scores
1831831011925-08-25PHICHCTony Kaufmannbehind 7-15b 811-33390.0122%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); C. Mitchell Scores; F. Leach Scores
1841841111925-09-02 (2)PHINYGFreddie Fitzsimmonsbehind 3-24b 80---1390.0000%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1851851211925-09-05PHINYGVirgil Barnesbehind 0-3b 111--2390.14144%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1861861311925-10-03 (1)PHINYGVirgil Barnesahead 7-1b 70---1390.005100%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1926 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
187187111926-04-14PHIBSNJohnny Wertsahead 6-0b 611--2290.011100%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
188188211926-04-15PHIBSNLarry Bentontied 4-4b 9112342PHWalk-Off
189189311926-04-26PHINYGJack Scotttied 0-0b 11---1290.09662%Home Run (Deep RF)
190190411926-05-01PHI@BRODazzy Vanceahead 3-2t 81---1290.12885%Home Run (Deep RF)
191191511926-06-11PHIPITVic Aldridgeahead 3-1b 121--2790.13184%Home Run (Deep RF); C. Huber Scores
192192611926-07-05 (1)PHI@NYGKent Greenfieldtied 0-0t 11---1290.10058%Home Run (Deep RF)
193193711926-07-08PHI@PITBabe Adamstied 6-6t 81-2-22PH0.30485%Home Run (Deep RF); F. Ulrich Scores
194194811926-07-28 (1)PHISTLBill Sherdelahead 3-2b 6112-3290.17494%Home Run (Deep RF); W. Dean Scores; H. Sand Scores
195195911926-07-30PHIPITRay Kremerahead 4-1b 70---1290.03197%Home Run (Deep RF)
1961961011926-08-04PHICHCTony Kaufmannbehind 4-7b 121---1290.0305%Home Run (Deep RF)
1971971111926-08-09 (1)PHICINPete Donohuetied 0-0b 10-2-2290.12073%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1981981211926-09-06 (1)PHIBRODazzy Vancebehind 4-8b 921--2290.0112%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
1991991311926-09-06 (2)PHIBRORube Ehrhardtahead 7-2b 62---1290.01698%Home Run (Deep RF)
2002001411926-09-08PHIBROBob McGrawtied 4-4b 921234290.336100%Walk-OffHome Run (Deep RF); B. Rice Scores; C. Huber Scores; H. Sand Scores
2012011511926-09-09PHIBROBurleigh Grimestied 0-0b 11---1290.09662%Home Run (Deep RF)
2022021621926-09-09PHIBROBurleigh Grimesahead 1-0b 3012-3290.14389%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Carlson Scores; H. Sand Scores
2032031711926-09-18 (1)PHISTLFlint Rhembehind 0-3b 32---1290.08529%Home Run (Deep RF)
2042041811926-09-21PHIPITLee Meadowstied 1-1b 321--2390.20373%Home Run (Deep RF); C. Mitchell Scores/unER; C. Williams Scores/unER
1927 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
205205111927-04-14PHINYGBurleigh Grimestied 3-3b 30---1390.11767%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
206206211927-04-18PHIBROBob McGrawahead 1-0b 3112-3390.18689%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Sand Scores; D. Spalding Scores
207207311927-04-19PHIBRODazzy Vanceahead 3-0b 31---1390.05889%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
208208411927-04-21PHI@NYGKent Greenfieldahead 3-2t 81---1390.12985%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
209209511927-05-07PHIPITRay Kremerbehind 4-5b 921--2390.903100%Walk-OffHome Run (Deep RF); D. Spalding Scores/unER; C. Williams Scores/unER
210210611927-05-13PHICHCTony Kaufmanntied 0-0b 40---1390.12969%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
211211711927-05-20 (1)PHICINPete Donohueahead 2-0b 32---1390.08383%Home Run (Deep RF)
212212811927-05-20 (2)PHICINDolf Luquetied 1-1b 3212-3390.27883%Home Run (Deep LF); H. Carlson Scores; D. Spalding Scores
213213921927-05-20 (2)PHICINJakie Mayahead 8-2b 621234390.011100%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Carlson Scores/unER; H. Sand Scores/unER; D. Spalding Scores/unER; C. Williams Scores/unER
2142141011927-06-02PHI@PITCarmen Hillbehind 0-3t 601-33390.21450%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); H. Sand Scores; D. Spalding Scores
2152151111927-06-14PHI@STLFlint Rhembehind 0-6t 60-2-2390.0419%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); D. Spalding Scores
2162161211927-06-21PHI@BRODazzy Vancebehind 0-4t 40---1390.06319%Home Run (Deep RF)
2172171311927-07-02 (1)PHIBROBill Doaktied 2-2b 521--2390.26179%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
2182181411927-07-03 (1)PHI@BRONorman Plitttied 0-0t 12---139
2192191511927-07-03 (2)PHI@BRODoug McWeenytied 0-0t 12---139
2202201611927-07-12PHISTLJesse Hainesbehind 4-9b 90---1390.0102%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
2212211711927-07-16 (1)PHIPITCarmen Hilltied 0-0b 1012-3390.17481%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); D. Spalding Scores/unER; H. Sand Scores
2222221811927-07-16 (2)PHIPITLee Meadowsbehind 5-8b 7112-33PH0.37155%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); J. Scott Scores; H. Sand Scores
2232231911927-07-18 (1)PHIPITVic Aldridgebehind 3-4b 30---1390.12255%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
2242242011927-07-20 (2)PHIPITCarmen Hillbehind 4-6b 90---1390.10820%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
2252252111927-07-28PHI@STLGrover Alexanderbehind 1-2t 5212-3390.35771%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); C. Mitchell Scores; H. Sand Scores
2262262221927-07-28PHI@STLBill Sherdelbehind 7-10t 90---1390.0438%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
2272272311927-08-05PHI@PITEmil Ydeahead 5-2t 71-2-2390.06796%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); D. Spalding Scores
2282282411927-09-03 (1)PHI@NYGVirgil Barnesbehind 0-6t 40---1390.0308%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
2292292511927-09-05 (1)PHI@BRODoug McWeenyahead 4-0t 721--2390.04698%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Sand Scores
2302302611927-09-05 (2)PHI@BROBill Doakahead 2-0t 30---1390.08380%Home Run (Deep RF)
2312312711927-09-18 (1)PHI@STLGrover Alexandertied 0-0t 11-2-239
2322322811927-09-19PHI@STLFred Frankhousebehind 2-6t 70---1390.04911%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
2332332911927-09-24PHI@CHCSheriff Blakebehind 1-5t 62---1390.04310%Home Run (Line Drive to Deep CF-RF)
2342343011927-09-28PHINYGLarry Bentontied 1-1b 621--2390.29283%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); F. Thompson Scores
1928 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
235235111928-04-16PHI@NYGFreddie Fitzsimmonsbehind 3-4t 8112-39PH0.50085%Home Run (Deep RF); B. Friberg Scores; B. Kelly Scores/unER
236236211928-05-02PHIBSNJohnny Wertsahead 1-0b 32-2-2390.16181%Home Run (Deep RF); F. Thompson Scores
237237311928-06-02PHISTLFlint Rhembehind 4-7b 50--325PH0.12843%Home Run (Deep RF); F. Leach Scores
238238411928-06-06PHICHCPat Malonebehind 1-5b 71-2-27PH0.10419%Home Run (Deep RF); A. Jahn Scores
239239511928-07-20PHI@STLGrover Alexanderbehind 2-5t 921--2590.0264%Home Run (Deep RF); F. Leach Scores
240240611928-07-22PHI@STLJesse Hainesbehind 4-7t 72--32590.14524%Home Run (Deep CF); D. Hurst Scores
241241711928-07-30PHISTLSyl Johnsonbehind 3-7b 8112-3690.17426%Home Run (Deep RF); D. Hurst Scores; P. Whitney Scores
242242811928-08-30PHI@BSNArt Delaneyahead 2-0t 501--2570.11890%Home Run (Deep RF); F. Leach Scores
243243911928-09-03 (2)PHINYGJoe Genewichbehind 1-5b 70---1570.06014%Home Run (Deep RF)
2442441011928-09-04 (2)PHINYGJack Scottbehind 6-7b 921--2570.894100%Walk-OffHome Run (Deep RF); C. Klein Scores
2452451111928-09-07 (2)PHIBSNVirgil Barnesbehind 2-3b 92---157
2462461211928-09-25PHICHCSheriff Blakeahead 3-2b 711--2580.14893%Home Run (Deep RF); D. Hurst Scores
1929 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
247247111929-04-19PHINYGCarl Maysbehind 3-12b 62---1680.0041%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
248248211929-05-13PHISTLBill Doakbehind 4-9b 821--29PH0.0406%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); B. Friberg Scores
249249311929-05-26PHI@BRODoug McWeenybehind 1-3t 9112-38PH0.62180%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Peel Scores; B. Friberg Scores
250250411929-08-22PHICHCMike Cvengrosbehind 6-10b 71---1680.05513%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
251251511929-09-01 (1)PHI@BROKent Greenfieldahead 7-0t 211--2680.03197%Home Run (Deep RF); D. Hurst Scores

About the SABR Home Run Encyclopedia