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On-Base Percentage: Explained

21st June 2024

“A walk is as good as a hit.” Who hasn’t heard that from a baseball coach growing up? Generally speaking, that adage tends to be true. When you think of it in terms of on-base percentage and how it positively influences your team’s chance of winning, the difference between a walk and a single is negligible. Of course, continuously walking without getting many knocks won’t allow you to hit .300, but it can definitely help your team notch victories. So, those Little League coaches across America are basically correct. But what is on-base percentage in baseball? Is it some too-hard-to-decipher-only-baseball-nerds-get-it stat? The answer is no. On-base percentage is relatively easy to understand, and we’re going to prove that today. Let’s call this on-base percentage 101.

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