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Transcripts: Press Conference (12/15)


Opening statement:"Good seeing everybody. [I] appreciate everybody being here. [It was a] good day – a good work day. All eyes [are] pointed towards Sunday night [on] Sunday Night Football against the [Jacksonville] Jaguars. [It's] a big game for us. We're looking forward to it. What questions do you have?"

What are the chances of S Kyle Hamilton playing on Sunday?*_(Jamison Hensley)_* "Good. I think they're good. We'll just see how [Kyle Hamilton] does the next couple days, but he's in a good place right now."

The Ravens are 3-7 all time at Jacksonville. What makes it such a tough place to play?*_(Todd Karpovich)_* "For me, just the games that we've played there [in Jacksonville] that I remember, they've played better than us. We have not played our best games down there the last couple times."

How has OLB Malik Hamm been looking since he was designated to return to practice? What are you looking to see in his potential as a viable option on defense?*_(Luke Jones)_* "I think [Malik Hamm] definitely is potentially an option. It's [his] health and how ready he is. I think he'll be ready. He moves well and could help us both on defense and special teams if he gets a chance. Then, with where the roster is, you have to weigh those two things."

What has the commitment been like for the team game after game? How important is it to know that the group is going in the right direction?*_(David Andrade)_* "That's exactly right. They are, and that's really what we're trying to do. We talk about things like [getting] one percent better every day, [getting] better today than yesterday [and getting] better tomorrow than today. Those simple things – one day at a time, one practice, one meeting, one play – those things are taken to heart here, and I think they understand the value of that process. Hopefully, in the end, that leads to success."

It looks like there is rain and wind in the forecast for Sunday's game. What does the team do to prepare for that kind of weather?*_(Brian Wacker)_* "We have had some wind, believe it or not. We had quite a bit of wind on Wednesday, and there was a little bit of wind out here today. Yes, we have the rain [in the] forecast [and] the wind in the forecast last week. It was misty rain. It wasn't too bad this last game, and it wasn't too windy. This [game] is supposed to be more windy from what I understand. The rain's supposed to roll out before the game starts, but you never know. We'll just have to play [in] whatever the conditions are."

Does wind and rain impact scheme and play-calling?*_(Brian Wacker)_* "I think it does when you get into the game. You just have to take it for what it is in the game. Other than that, it's really hard to plan for."

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