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Lamar Jackson Finally Got College Football 25

QB Lamar Jackson
QB Lamar Jackson

Like a lot of the football and gaming community, Lamar Jackson is dying to get his hands on College Football 25.

The video game launches on July 19, but Jackson went on X to see if he could get an early copy.

Unfortunately for him, he called the game the wrong name. But when you're a former Madden cover athlete (and the 2016 Heisman Trophy winner), you get a pass.

Starting with the 1998 edition, the video game was called NCAA Football, and it stayed that way until the 2014 version, the last iteration of the game. Now the game is making its highly anticipated return under a new name, and it's taking some getting used to.

Jackson did end up getting an early copy. On Saturday morning, the two-time MVP posted a picture of the game's loading screen on X.

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