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Roberto Frazzitta


Sobre o Roberto

Roberto Frazzitta is an expert in the firm's Financial Services practice and leads the global banking sector.

Roberto has more than 20 years of experience working with major Italian and international institutions.

His focus areas include organizational redesign, corporate governance, M&A and integration plans, NPS management system design and deployment, distribution networks, commercial strategy redesign, pricing models, re-pricing strategies, credit risk strategy, credit early warning tools and process workflow design and implementation.

He is also an expert in retail, SME and corporate strategy, with key competencies in value-based segmentation, strategic clustering, action planning and digital value proposition.

Additionally, Roberto is well versed in SME and small business commercial crash programs and development, particularly regarding salesforce performance measurement, gap analyzers and commercial programming tools.

Prior to joining Bain, he worked as a corporate banker at Banca Commerciale Italiana (now IntesaSanpaolo) in London.

He holds an MBA from INSEAD and a degree in business administration from Bocconi University.

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