Soegeng Wibowo


About Soegeng

Soegeng Wibowo is a senior partner and member of the firm's Energy & Natural Resources, Metals & Mining and Private Equity practices.

He has more than 15 years of industry and consulting experience, with over 10 years of private equity experience in Southeast Asia, specifically in metals & mining, shipping, logistics and shipbuilding sectors.

Soegeng's expertise includes operations, private equity and corporate finance. He serves clients on operational improvements, sales and marketing improvement and strategy across various sectors, including coal mining, chemicals, shipping, pulp & paper and cement.

Prior to Bain, he co-founded a $500 million private equity fund that focuses on investments in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. He was also a director at Adaro Indonesia.

Soegeng holds a PhD and an MA in economics from Princeton University, as well as a BS in applied mathematics from Brown University.

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