Brad Denig

Expert Associate Partner,

About Brad

Brad Denig is a member of our Sustainability & Responsibility practice and our Global Sustainability Innovation Center

Brad has over 20 years’ experience in corporate sustainability and more than 15 years’ experience providing climate change consulting. 

Prior to joining Bain, Brad was Managing Director of Innovation for Sustainability with a SEA focused Corporate Strategy and M&A boutique. Previously, he was the SE Asia Climate Strategy lead for a global sustainability firm. In parallel, Brad founded a Nature-Based Solutions firm, Syngenera, developing forestry carbon projects in Myanmar and Indonesia. Brad also designed one of the top 10 global sustainability software platforms in 2010 prior to the firm being acquired by Engie. Earlier, Brad developed and taught climate change strategy courses for an MBA program in the US.

Brad has an MBA in Sustainable Business and Finance (2008) and BA in East Asian Studies (97), with additional certification in greenhouse gas accounting and verification from the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute.