Jackie Flanagan


Leader in the firm's Healthcare and Life Sciences practice, with a focus on R&D. Scientist by training.


전문 분야

  • Leader of Advanced Degree Recruiting in North America
  • PhD, Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Jackie Flanagan PhD is a member of our Healthcare and Life Sciences practice, with a focus on Pharma R&D.

She has worked with large and mid-sized biopharma companies on a broad range of strategy and customer focused efforts. Her efforts primarily focus on R&D including pipeline strategy and prioritization, asset development strategy and innovation in clinical trials.

Beyond her client work, she is a leader in our Advanced Degree recruiting efforts across North America. She is also involved in local & global training efforts.

Before joining us, she completed a PhD in Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, with a focus on molecular mechanism of biologics and their targets in our cells. She is recipient of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.

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