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Our Perspective

Our Perspective

The fusion of digital and physical assets and the subsequent affect on consumer expectations and banking capabilities is creating substantial challenges and opportunities. Increased competition from financial technology startups, combined with a more stringent regulatory landscape, further heighten the importance of making and executing the right strategic decisions.

Companies that embrace the disruption in their industry may be better positioned to earn customer loyalty, identify new profit pools and strengthen risk management processes.

The dual bank of the future challenge. Banks today need the right strategy and capabilities to be able to transform their existing businesses and, at the same time, reinvent themselves through new digital business models.

Earn customer loyalty—and the cost reduction it brings. Customer loyalty yields significant rewards. Loyal customers buy more, stay longer, often cost less to serve, and refer valuable new customers. That raises the stakes for banks to deliver the right customer experience for the interactions that matter most to banking customers, using the most cost-effective channel that will earn their loyalty.

Embed superior risk management and governance systems into the organization. Banks need sound risk-control mechanisms, with end-to-end decision-making processes, to guard against dangerous risk exposure now and adapt to government and regulatory changes going forward.

Evaluate opportunities in banking's new profit pools. A big catalyst for change is the rapid evolution of the industry's traditional profit pools. As markets mature, wealth shifts away from deposits toward investments. Banks in many countries are poised to capture growth opportunities in wealth management, with strong starting points in transactional products and distribution networks. The winners will create new pricing and service models adapted for diverse customer segments.

What We Do

What We Do

We work with banks across all regions to help them adapt and prepare their businesses for market changes shaped by evolving digital technologies, dynamic consumer preferences, increasing competition and changing regulations.

More banks have come to recognize that the way forward requires harnessing new business models, integrating digital and physical channels, capturing the economics of customer loyalty and dramatically reducing costs.

Our consulting teams address all of these challenges, and more. We work with clients to:

  • Develop winning strategies. We adjust business models, refocus long-term strategy on the core business, assess business portfolios, manage divestments and explore new markets and partnerships. We also design and support full-scale transformations and improve risk-evaluation methods, both managerial and technical. And we can help banks transform their credit platforms, to cope with the challenges posed by Covid-19 and other sudden disruptions.
  • Improve banking customer strategy, customer experience, and customer loyalty. We redesign product lines, increase sales effectiveness and develop unparalleled customer loyalty that boosts the bottom line.
  • Adapt distribution and service channels to seamlessly incorporate digital and mobile banking, and deploy cutting-edge banking automation, including robotic process automation (RPA), machine learning and the latest advances in artificial intelligence.
  • Establish efficient organizations. We enable decision-making capabilities that improve organizational effectiveness.
  • Confront compliance. We support compliance and risk officers and their teams in satisfying the demands of more complex regulations while also helping their companies grow their top and bottom lines.
  • Lower costs and increase efficiency. We reduce back-office costs and optimize service operations, including branch and ATM networks and online and mobile services.
  • Realize the full potential of information technology. We support clients in evaluating and implementing new IT processes that enable faster decisions and rapid technology development.

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