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M&A Strategy

Your M&A strategy should be a logical extension of your growth strategy, and should be based on a disciplined and repeatable model that supports frequent, ever larger deals. 

Bain Partner Dale Stafford discusses what makes M&A "Mountain Climbers" reach the top.

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Our industry-leading work spans corporate strategy, private-equity investing and related disciplines. With more than 9,000 projects completed across virtually all industries and geographies we bring unparalleled experience and expertise to every facet of M&A consulting.

We'll work with you to:

  • Advise on strategy and screening, due diligence, integration, divestitures and separations, joint ventures/alliances, corporate finance, and much more.
  • Apply a comprehensive set of best-in-class diagnostics, frameworks, proprietary benchmarks and other analytics tools and capabilities to guide target prioritization and screening, integration workflows and other essential elements of successful M&A.

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