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Case study

Helping a Fintech Reboot its Digital Wallet Sign-up and Onboarding Processes

Through a better understanding of user behavior we designed, tested and improved the sign-up and on-boarding experiences for a digital wallet business with several million users. The results: increased conversion and revenue, a +50% increase in first-deposit rate and a 20x return on our fees.

  • min read

At a Glance

With more than 18 required data fields spread across five screens, it's little wonder that nearly half of would-be customers never completed the sign-up process. Our integrated team of business strategists and product designers worked closely with users to reimagine the experience, resulting in an intuitive, single-screen sign-up process. Not only does that advance the company's goals of boosting profitability and market share--it also helps users quickly learn about new ways to more effectively manage their money.

The Story