Generative AI
Produce podcasts with the help of AI

Produce podcasts with the help of AI

This course explores the possibilities of generative AI in podcast production. Participants will learn how AI technologies can improve the entire podcast production process, from ideation and scripting to audio processing and publishing. We’ll explore innovative ways to use AI to make podcasts more efficient and engaging and optimize the listening experience.

Visual data worlds: data visualization with AI

Visual data worlds: data visualization with AI

In this course, participants will learn how AI technologies can transform complex data into meaningful visual representations. We will explore innovative approaches and tools to communicate data visually effectively. This course teaches skills to create meaningful data visualizations that enable more profound understanding and better decision-making.

AI-empowered video summaries

AI-empowered video summaries

In this course, participants will learn how to use artificial intelligence to create efficient and informative video summaries. We will explore innovative techniques and tools to transform videos into concise and engaging summaries using AI. This makes it possible to convey complex content effectively and save time.

Social media storytelling in the AI ​​age

Social media storytelling in the AI ​​age

This course highlights the fusion of social storytelling and AI. Participants will learn how AI technologies can be used to optimize social media stories. We will explore innovative approaches and strategies to use AI to create and share engaging and impactful stories in the social media world.

Produce and optimize multimedia content with generative AI

Produce and optimize multimedia content with generative AI

This course covers the production and optimization of multimedia content using generative AI. Participants will learn about the application of AI technologies to generate and improve diverse multimedia content. This includes images, videos, and audio content. We will explore innovative methods of how generative AI can efficiently design and optimize multimedia experiences.

AI in everyday editorial life: Human intelligence meets machine inspiration

AI in everyday editorial life: Human intelligence meets machine inspiration

This course highlights human intelligence and AI synergies in everyday journalistic life. We research how AI can be used sensibly and what tasks it can support. The course shows how AI tools such as ChatGPT3.5 and ChatGPT4 can generate headlines, teasers and other editorial content. We also learned techniques for effectively using AI results to optimize professional text work, research, and editing.



This workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of ChatGPT, from the basics to advanced applications. The focus is on how ChatGPT works and the diverse possible applications. Practical exercises and examples are provided to strengthen skills in using ChatGPT. This workshop is primarily aimed at new users but can also be of interest to experienced users to bring their knowledge of ChatGPT to a higher level.

How generative AI changes customer needs and purchasing behavior

How generative AI changes customer needs and purchasing behavior

This workshop highlights how generative AI technologies revolutionize understanding customer needs and purchasing behaviour. Attendees will learn how AI algorithms can be used to gain deep insights into customer preferences and decision-making patterns. The workshop offers practical examples and strategies to implement these findings into business strategies and thus achieve a competitive advantage.

Helpful AI tools for journalistic research

Helpful AI tools for journalistic research

This workshop focuses on helpful ChatGPT tools for journalistic research. It offers insights into effective information gathering and analysis. Here, the knowledge of using ChatGPT is expanded to create current and well-founded news reports. Various use cases and techniques are covered to make journalistic work more efficient and productive.

Evaluation of complex scientific studies with generative AI

Evaluation of complex scientific studies with generative AI

How can AI technologies efficiently analyze and evaluate scientific research results? Participants will find out in this seminar how to filter relevant studies from the wealth of scientific publications and use the knowledge gained effectively. AI systems enable rapid quality assessment and relevance checks of research papers, minimizing the time spent on literature research and analysis.

Topic Mastery with AI: Streamlining Research Processes

Topic Mastery with AI: Streamlining Research Processes

In this workshop, participants will learn how AI technologies help filter relevant information faster and make connections between different sources. Using practical examples, it is shown how AI can be used to make profound insights into subject areas more accessible and more efficient.

AI-Enhanced Interview Techniques

AI-Enhanced Interview Techniques

The workshop provides practical guidance and examples of how AI can transform the interview preparation process and open up new opportunities for in-depth and engaging conversations. It teaches how the possibilities of AI can be used to take interviews to a higher level while maintaining journalistic integrity and authenticity.

New Horizons in Journalism: AI for Creative Content Generation

New Horizons in Journalism: AI for Creative Content Generation

This workshop focuses on how AI can be used in journalistic practice to break up familiar routines and generate fresh, creative ideas for reporting. We show how AI tools can help discover new subject areas that can transform into engaging stories.

Generative AI and its development in marketing strategies

Generative AI and its development in marketing strategies

In a constantly evolving digital landscape, generative AI has also become a game changer in the marketing sector. This course is your introduction to AI-driven creativity and demonstrates its profound impact on the entire marketing landscape.

Build your own GPT

Build your own GPT

This workshop allows participants to create their own GPT. We cover the basics and steps of this process to provide a deeper understanding of how GPT models work. This workshop offers a unique opportunity to explore the world of AI development and create your own GPT model.

Introduction to Stable Diffusion

Introduction to Stable Diffusion

This workshop focuses on the exciting AI ecosystem around Stable Diffusion, an advanced technology that delivers high-quality results, especially in the graphical area. We show how to use this model to achieve excellent visual results by providing a stable and consistent method for generating images and graphics.

SEO-optimized writing with ChatGPT

SEO-optimized writing with ChatGPT

This seminar focuses on writing SEO optimized content using ChatGPT. Participants learn strategies and techniques to give their texts more visibility through search engine optimization. Ideal for content creators who want to strengthen their SEO skills.

Insightful Prompting: Leveraging AI for Competitive Advantage

Insightful Prompting: Leveraging AI for Competitive Advantage

This seminar focuses on applying prompts in the corporate environment and highlights the importance and potential of ChatGPT. It covers using prompts for information retrieval and analysis, including creating prompts for business information and extracting relevant data from large data sets. It is ideal for anyone who wants to use prompts effectively in business.

Basics of Prompt Writing

Basics of Prompt Writing

This seminar teaches the fundamentals of prompt writing, including the structure of prompts and basic techniques. We show how prompts can be contextualized and offer tips, tricks and proven methods for optimal prompt writing. In addition, possible errors and stumbling blocks are highlighted, and how to avoid them is explained.

Mastering GPT Store: Unlocking Customized AI Solutions

Mastering GPT Store: Unlocking Customized AI Solutions

This seminar highlights the importance of ChatGPT plugins and introduces various ones. It includes live demonstrations of integrating plugins and presents examples of their practical use. Participants can practice with examples and receive tips and tricks for optimising plugins. It is ideal for anyone who wants to deepen their prompting skills with ChatGPT plugins.

Prompt engineering basics

Prompt engineering basics

This seminar provides a basic introduction to prompt engineering and its applications in AI. We will discuss the importance of prompt engineering in achieving desired results from language models, introduce various techniques, and cover how to create effective prompts for AI models.

Application of Generative AI for Journalistic Research

Application of Generative AI for Journalistic Research

This seminar will examine the opportunities and risks of using artificial intelligence as a research aid in everyday journalistic life. It shows how AI technologies can influence journalism and what potential they offer. At the same time, possible risks and challenges are discussed. This seminar is aimed at journalists who want to deepen their understanding of the use of AI in their work.

Journalism & AI: The Art of Crafting Effective Prompts

Journalism & AI: The Art of Crafting Effective Prompts

The workshop offers a practice-oriented introduction to “successful prompting” in a journalistic context. He teaches journalistic prompt writing and a guide for writing effective journalistic prompts. As part of the workshop, ideas for journalistic content will be developed and shown how prompts can be used effectively in journalistic practice.

AI tools: insights and opportunities

AI tools: insights and opportunities

This module focuses on the diverse applications of AI tools in various areas of responsibility. We present various digital tools and explain their specific application areas. The functions and possibilities of the AI ​​tools presented are demonstrated, and the advantages and disadvantages of each application are highlighted.

Generative AI in journalism

Generative AI in journalism

This workshop will focus on generative AI in journalism, including storytelling in various media formats. We will discuss in detail the potential impact of this technology on journalism. This event offers a unique opportunity to understand the interplay between journalism and AI and explore the opportunities and challenges in this exciting field.

Fact-checking: Techniques for Verifying AI-Created Content

Fact-checking: Techniques for Verifying AI-Created Content

The main goal of this workshop is to teach AI content recognition strategies. It includes identifying suspicious patterns and inconsistencies, checking internal and external logic, and exposing news-relevant AI fakes. The work involves practical exercises and actual fake news examples, fake images and manipulated videos.

Responsible AI & Ethics

Responsible AI & Ethics

This workshop addresses the challenges and opportunities of linking ethics and AI. We highlight principles and guidelines for responsible AI and practical case studies. We also discuss ethics-based decision-making in AI applications and the effects of AI on society and the world of work. The future of responsible AI, current trends and developments are also topics.

Generative AI in the creative industry

Generative AI in the creative industry

This training provides a comprehensive look at the applications of generative AI in creative areas such as design, advertising, and storytelling. Participants learn how generative models can be used to create and expand creative content. Particular attention is paid to the use of generative AI to generate creative texts, market analyses, and stories.

Introduction to Midjourney

Introduction to Midjourney

This module provides a comprehensive overview of Midjourney. The functionality, essential areas of application, key functions, advantages, possible uses in various industries and the concept of “Midjourney prompting” are shown.

Text-to-Image AI From words to images

Text-to-Image AI From words to images

This learning module focuses on how artificial intelligence creates visual representations from text descriptions. Basic concepts and techniques essential for understanding how text-to-image AI systems work are taught. Through exercises, participants will learn how words can be transformed into images and explore the diverse application areas of this innovative technology.

Text summarization and translation with ChatGPT

Text summarization and translation with ChatGPT

In this training, participants will learn how to use generative AI for text summarization and automation. You will learn how to use ChatGPT effectively in content creation through case studies and practical examples. They also receive valuable tips to optimize the quality of their results.

Conversational AI & Chatbots

Conversational AI & Chatbots

The training provides essential knowledge of conversational AI and its use in chatbot development. Participants will learn techniques for creating human-like responses in chatbots and gain insights into their structure and architecture. A focus is on natural language processing (NLP) and practical applications to illustrate conversational AI’s potential in various application areas.

Introduction to Large Language Models

Introduction to Large Language Models

Participants will learn basic concepts of Large Language Models (LLMs) in this course. The training offers insights into how LLMs work and the diverse possible applications. Participants will learn how these powerful models can be used in various areas.

Introduction to generative AI

Introduction to generative AI

This training provides a basic introduction to artificial intelligence. The already tested applications in technology and society are also highlighted. The differences between traditional AI and generative AI and how generative AI works when creating data, images, and text are also explained.