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Work For What You Want



Work For What You Want

The choice is truly yours. If you don’t work for what you want you will have to settle for what you don’t want. This is the life many have chosen to live. There is a mass resignation to the average life, many people have thrown the towel in, many people have given up before they have even begun, do you see that? Are you one of those people who has not even tried but you have already given up on yourself? What a timid way to live your life, what is the point in being a coward? What good does it do for you to just sit around being a part of the crowd? Following the masses into a life of conformity.

Cowards die daily, the hero within you wants to be brought forth but many just choose to silence that voice with the voice of fear. The voice of fear becomes greater than their belief and then they just do absolutely nothing to change their life, and end up being a little timid individual, complaining about how hard life is, what is so hard in sitting around complaining? It takes no effort to utter words of misery, it takes courage to get up and take action in the direction of your dreams.

Be an action taker, not an excuse maker. Be focused on action, not on inaction. Be solution orientated, not problem orientated. Be motivated, rather than demotivated. Be obsessed, rather than being average. Just the way you build a house, design your life. One action at a time, one day at a time, one task at a time, and one goal at a time.

If you don’t make time for what you want and how you want to truly live your life no one else will, do what you love, do what makes you happy, do something that fuels your joy, do something that makes a positive difference in the world, do something that helps to advance humanity to a greater level. Follow your bliss, and awaken to the realization that life can be lived in whatever way you want to live it. Don’t just hope it will work out in your favour, do the work and do whatever it takes to make your dreams a reality, whatever it takes is the mindset of champions, champions do what needs to be done, they believe that success is inevitable, they expect to succeed because they are putting in the work every single day no matter what.

It is through action that the life we seek comes to the fore, it is with action that the invisible becomes visible, it is with action that the formless takes shape and materializes and takes form. The dream life within your mind is real, never be told otherwise, your imagination backed up by action will bring you a life of prosperity and abundance. The only opinion that matters on this journey is your own, separate yourself from the masses, be an anomaly, take the path where few go, where many desire to be, where the courageous reside, where the risk takers dwell, where the action takers fight for the things that they want. Leave the herd, leave the cowards, leave the lazy people, leave the unambitious folk, leave the entertainment lovers, leave the excuses makers, leave the time waster, leave the procrastinators, leave the sheep who do nothing with their time because they are so busy engrossed by the lie people like to call a life.

For the next 30 days be tougher on yourself so that you take your life to a new level, how many more days, week, months, and years do you want to remain on the level you are on now? How many more years do you want to continue to live the life you are living? Think about that, if you continue to do what you are currently doing where are you going to be 6 months from now? Where are you going to be 1 year from now? Where are you going to be 5 years now if you keep up with your daily habits? Please sit and think about that deeply, take 10 minutes and really think about that point.

Successful people get ahead while others are sitting around being average, the time the majority waste the successful, ambitious, hungry individuals are getting ahead, time is the greatest resource that you have, you have to learn to use your 24 hours in the most productive manner so that you are on course to achieve your goals and live life on your own terms. Each day you are either moving in the direction of your dreams or you are not, do not just throw the anchor in and settle for where you are now just because you have found a little comfort, go to the rough seas, go to the places that are unexplored, go to the unknown lands that will test your character and help to develop you into a more actualized individual.

Believe in yourself, take daily action that will move your life to a greater level, focus on the key tasks that will really make a difference in your life, make the next 6 months different from the last, half a year has gone what you have done in the first half of this year? How much have you really progressed with your dreams? Commit to making your dreams a reality, commit to do what needs to be done, commit to be amongst the best, commit to mastery, commit to win, commit to be a champion, commit to excellence, commit to fight for what you want, commit to living life on your own terms, and make a commitment to yourself that you will persevere until you succeed.

“make your dreams a reality.”


I would love to hear your views on this topic, do get involved. Like and share with others so that they too can awaken to the truth.


My name is Asad Meah, I am the CEO & Founder of AwakenTheGreatnessWithin. I am a dreamchaser who has gained a wealth of knowledge in entrepreneurship and personal development over the past five years through self-education. My mission is to inspire millions of people to become entrepreneurs by awakening their minds to their greatness that resides within them.


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