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Surround Yourself With Winners



Surround yourself with those who want to become more, those who are striving to achieve something great, those who empower you and push you to be better, those people who make you raise your standards to a higher level, and those who make you believe in yourself that you can achieve greatness.

Surround yourself with those who want more from life, those who are working towards making the world a better place, those individuals who you can learn from, and those who are driven to succeed.

Be very careful who you surround yourself with, it is your choice who you choose to spend your days with, time is valuable don’t waste it engaging in daily consistent failure. Take a look at the people whom you associate with would you like to trade places with them, are they adding value to your life, are they good people, are they people who make you better or worse, are these peoples values aligned to yours, do they aspire to reach greater heights in life, are they doing more or are they just sitting around. Be very very careful, it is an automatic process in which you become like those people whom you spend the most time with, unconsciously you will become like them, so pick your comrades wisely, they are either helping you become successful or they are holding you back.

Are you proud of what you are becoming, or have become, friends play a major influence on your life, there is nothing wrong in spending time with friends once in a while but if you spend a majority of your time with your friends and they have bad habits, no ambition, no goals, no plans, no dreams, and no drive to get up and make more of their life, then you have to reduce the amount of time you spend with them. It is not about abandoning your friends, it is about focusing on success, and once you reach a stage that you are satisfied with you can help them raise their standards and their lives, but in the beginning you have to stop wasting major time engaging in minor activities with average people.

Stop and evaluate for a moment, in which direction is your life heading, it is so easy to fall into the life of someone else, learn to say no I’m busy, It seems as though it is just the way people live, they want you to come into their world, they want you to do what they do, they want you to engage in what they engage in, and they want you to become like them. However it is not intentional, it is just the way they have been living and you have to make sure you don’t become like the average people, don’t let people pull you into the bubble of mediocrity, step up and separate yourself from everyone else, start to cut people out of your life if necessary, you must be ruthless when it comes to success.

Success is up to, your associations, your habits, your time, your money, your investments, your work, your life and your happiness all come down to you, so if the people closet to you are not serious about success, stop wasting time with them.

Do your friends read books, do they want to learn, grow and improve themselves, do they want more, are they ambitious, or do they engage in failure everyday, if they do then you will become like them. If you surround yourself with losers you will start acting like a loser engaging in low level living, if you surround yourself with average people you will become like them, and if you surround yourself with those who are striving for greatness then you will also strive for greatness.

Surround yourself with those who are pushing the limits and living life on their terms, greatness is contagious, your life can only improve if you surround yourself with winners.

“Surround yourself with people who are only going to lift you higher.”

Oprah Winfrey




My name is Asad Meah, I am the CEO & Founder of AwakenTheGreatnessWithin. I am a dreamchaser who has gained a wealth of knowledge in entrepreneurship and personal development over the past five years through self-education. My mission is to inspire millions of people to become entrepreneurs by awakening their minds to their greatness that resides within them.

Fortune favours the brave


  1. Tembeng Elvis

    April 18, 2020 at 8:19 am

    Wow this is so great ,when I was reading this article tears drop down my cheek because I realise I have been doing the wrong things and I have realise myself, I now have a new beginning for a successful life

    • Asad Meah

      June 24, 2020 at 1:51 pm

      Truly astonishing.

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