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Self Awareness



Take a look at yourself and be self aware of all that you currently are and all that you are not yet, you must have self awareness of yourself. Too many people go through life pointing out other peoples weaknesses, but they don’t ever take a look in the mirror and see what areas they must address within themselves to take their life to greater heights.

The person you are now may be an individual of mediocrity, but you can change that by seeing the person that you must become. See the vision of you living life at a higher standard, how does that person look, how is their character, what do they do on a daily basis, how is their body language, what do they read, what do they eat, what things do they do to improve their life and how is their mind. You must be as you wish to be in your current circumstance and you shall become that, step up and act like that person who is a person of success.

The transformation of yourself comes form the evaluation of yourself, what do you need to improve about yourself, don’t concern yourself with other people and their business, focus on yourself, focus on how you can be a better person, in mind, body and soul. Make a list of the important areas in your life and give yourself a score out of ten in each aspect and go to work on those areas that you are lacking by making actions steps for you to take.

Self awareness can be a difficult task as you may think that you are trying and being your best, but there is always room for improvement. The way to know if you must improve is by asking yourself a few questions, do you have all that you want in life, are you living up to your full potential, and is this it from you. Most people would answer no, and that is because they need to improve themselves to get to where they truly want to be. Don’t live in a state of self-delusion as the majority do, thinking the world has done them wrong, no, you have done yourself wrong by engaging in nonsense on a daily basis and not improving yourself.

If you don’t have money, it is your own fault, fix your finances, learn how to manage your money. If you are not an entrepreneur, take action, start, get in the game. If you are lacking in whatever area, (spirituality, health, wealth, abundance, happiness, family, love) it is because you are not making the determined effort to succeed. It does not matter what you done yesterday, learn from the mistakes of the past and correct them now so that you can change your life for the better. You can change, and you don’t have to be stuck as you are where you are. If you want to live like the poor unsuccessful, do what they do, but if you want to live like the rich successful humble people, do what they do, the choice is yours, remain the same or grow.

So start today to head in a new direction in life, develop yourself, your mind and your life to your highest ideal. You have the power within to make your life a masterpiece, you are special and have an abundance of greatness within you, so are you just going to sit around confining yourself to a life of mediocrity as the masses do. Success is not what you get, it is who you become, become the person who is living life fearlessly, and living it on your terms.

It is of paramount importance that you go to work on yourself, as the only person who can guarantee success to you, is you. When you get better, your life will get better, when you change, your life will change. Change on the outside is a direct result of a change on the inside. You must become self aware that you are not where you want to be because you have not developed yourself, and you are not working hard enough. If you don’t get what you want from life it is because you are not serious about developing yourself to a higher standard, people expect others to give them success, but people don’t ever take the time out to change themselves. Being self aware is one of the first steps to changing your life. If you are not aware of what you are doing wrong how do you expect to do what is right.

Correct yourself to correct your life, see it in your minds eye that you can become the person that you want to be. See your vision with clarity and know that you have all that it takes within, if only you will just develop yourself so that you can be the best you possibly can be. The pursuit of greatness starts within.

“Self awareness involves deep personal honesty. It comes from asking and answering hard questions.”

Stephen Covey


My name is Asad Meah, I am the CEO & Founder of AwakenTheGreatnessWithin. I am a dreamchaser who has gained a wealth of knowledge in entrepreneurship and personal development over the past five years through self-education. My mission is to inspire millions of people to become entrepreneurs by awakening their minds to their greatness that resides within them.


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