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Robin Sharma’s The Mastery Manual



Robin Sharma's The Mastery Manual

Robin Sharma has written an exceptional book titled The Mastery Manual, the book is a life-changing guide for personal and professional greatness. It is a must read and should be added to your personal development library. Below are a few paragraphs which will give you a brief insight into what the book is about. There is so much wisdom instilled in this book, it will transform your life if you act upon it.

“There are no extra days. There are no meaningless days. This very day is the day that you can make a choice to stand for something higher and be the person you know in your heart you have always wanted to be. Today is the day you can make the decision to get into outstanding physical health or to be a genuine leader at work or to be more authentic as a human being or to take more risks and run towards your fears.”

“To me, the Small Daily Acts Of Greatness concept is very powerful. It means that – to live our best lives we do not need to make a giant transformation. Instead, we need to only focus on getting a little bit better each and every day, in every dimension of our life. I invite you to consider that if you do not play your biggest game as a human being and realize your highest potential, you will be betraying yourself.”

“The best move you can make is to do the inner work required to come to know yourself at the deepest level. Journal, meditate and perform patient reflection so that you come to know your most authentic values, your highest beliefs and what kind of life you really want to create. The deeper you go, the more you will know.”

“Pay attention to your associations. If you want to know what your life will look like 5 years from now, reflect on the 10 people you spend most of your time with. The orbit that you live within, will define the kind of person you will become and the kind of life you will lead. Play your highest game, surround yourself with people and have conversations with individuals who are committed to greatness, leadership, and personal responsibility.””

“Perhaps, the best way to lift your life to it’s highest level is to pay attention to the fears that keep you small and then to methodically to take action in transcending them. For me, my fears represent huge opportunities for growth and transformation. The more I walk towards my fears, the quicker I move toward my freedom.”

“Few things focus the mind as well as setting plans on to paper and then sequencing them into goals. The very act of doing it heightens your awareness as to what’s most important. And with better awareness, you will make better choices. And as you make better choices, you are certain to experience better results. So today, give yourself a gift: take out a nice crisp white sheet of paper. Sharpen a pencil. And then start writing about the life you want to create.”




My name is Asad Meah, I am the CEO & Founder of AwakenTheGreatnessWithin. I am a dreamchaser who has gained a wealth of knowledge in entrepreneurship and personal development over the past five years through self-education. My mission is to inspire millions of people to become entrepreneurs by awakening their minds to their greatness that resides within them.


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