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Career Tips: How to Turn Your Passion into Your Profession



Career Tips: How to Turn Your Passion into Your Profession

Being successful is all about doing something you love. Steve Jobs said, “In order to be good at your job, you have to love your job”. We all have a passion for something. Some even name it a calling. That one thing that you know you are good at can become your profession. The tricky part is turning that passion into a real career. It is absolutely possible. Many have done it and so can you.

A few examples of people who turned their passion into their profession.

J.K. Rowling

This story is nothing but remarkable. From being on government support to being an icon, she worked hard to make this her reality. If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen. She wrote anywhere and everywhere she could. Her drive pushed her to become one of the best authors of all time. Your road to success might start with writing a professional resume and having some professional resume editing done. No matter where you start, you have to take the first step.

Steve Jobs

Another success story most people know about. You cannot make it as big as he did without loving every minute of the journey. Dropping out of school to achieve his greatness was necessary. He pushed through all the no’s he got and achieved his goals. Steve Jobs has so many great stories about taking risks but does not downplay the importance of a good education. Don’t wait another minute longer to achieve your success. Find some online resume writing services if you do not know any new resume writing trends. Believe that you can achieve great success and it will happen.

Lewis Hamilton

He knew from a young age exactly what he wanted to do with his life. His passion pushed him to practice as a young boy and make his dreams a reality. Till this day, his passion for the sport is undeniable. He won the Formula One World Championships in 2008, 2014 and 2015. That does not just happen. It happens when you have a passion for the career you are in. You do not have to be a Formula One racer to achieve your own success.


Passion is not enough when you want to become successful. You have to work harder than ever to make it in this day and age. If you do have a passion for what you do, you are already two steps ahead. You would have to put action to your passion in order for you to get out there and make it. People are working hard these days and you have to keep up or be better. Practice your art, even if it is accounting. No matter what your passion is, you can turn it into your career. Become qualified in the area you want to excel in and make it your career. If you sit around and wish for it, it probably won’t happen. All the people listed above worked hard to become the best versions of themselves. You can do it too but not without a plan.


Tegan Reed is a content writer at Writing is not only her job but also her hobby. Tegan`s life credo is “You can make anything by writing”. She dreams of becoming a well-known writer as her cult-hero John Green.

Fortune favours the brave


  1. Will Mason

    August 14, 2017 at 5:28 am

    Positive passion will bring positive results for us, it helps to improve our own strategy, skills, and personality. Career is also a positive passion and we have to turn our passion to build a suitable career, we may take inspiration from different experts and from their life story to get enough success in our career path. Thanks for highlighting such important tips.

    • Asad Meah

      August 14, 2017 at 11:36 am

      Glad you enjoyed the article, Will.

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