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6 Ways To Incorporate More Wellness Into Your Daily Lifestyle



6 Ways To Incorporate More Wellness Into Your Daily Lifestyle

A lot of the time, people think of ‘less’ when it comes to achieving wellness. They want to eat less junk food, drink less, and work on quitting smoking. However, ‘more’ is also a must when it comes to a healthier lifestyle. Even better, focusing on more can make it feel like it’s easier to stick to these changes.

If you want to make the most of wellness in coming years, treating yourself to more is a great approach. It can make you feel like you’re getting something instead of having something taken away—and you are. You’re getting healthier, happier, and will likely extend your life.

Here are six ways to incorporate wellness into your lifestyle by working on more:

1. Get More Sleep

Everyone knows it’s important to have good sleep, but yet Americans continuously pat themselves on the back for their lack of it. Sleep is tied to overall health and wellness. Studies have linked quality sleep to lower risks of diseases and healthier body weights. It’s also one of the easiest things to do if you understand its importance.

Practicing good sleep hygiene and making sleep a priority are both essential for getting to bed a little earlier. However, it’s not only the amount of sleep you get but the quality of it, that counts. Creating a bedroom that’s a sanctuary is a critical part of good sleep.

2. Eat More Whole Foods

Instead of focusing on what you should eliminate from your diet, think about what you need more of. Healthy, whole foods that are filling and actually fuel you will automatically help you eliminate less healthy foods from your diet.

When you’re craving junk food, there might be two issues at play. One is an addiction to chemicals and sugars, but the other is that your body is starved for healthy foods. Eat or grab a healthy snack before you’re ravenous, and retrain your body to crave what’s good for it.

3. Enjoy More Fresh Air

Exercise is important, but sometimes even gym rats aren’t giving their body what it actually wants. If you dread another session on the treadmill, go for a run or fast walk outside. Breathing fresh air is something everyone craves innately.

However, Westerners have created a space and lifestyle where going outside isn’t necessary. You’ll be surprised by how refreshing a walk around the neighborhood can be. It might even replace your afternoon coffee as a pick me up. Take advantage of the outdoors when you can, whether you incorporate it into your ‘official’ workout minutes or not.

4. Do More Strength Training

Women, in particular, resist strength training that actually challenges their muscles. Many are afraid they’ll look masculine or ‘get too big,’ but their lack of testosterone prevents this from happening. Others stick to the same strength building routines, such as dumbbells, without ever branching out.

Try yoga, Pilates, or changing modalities (such as kettlebells or fixed machines) to stay interested and keep your body guessing. Even if you switch up the movements and resistance, your body becomes accustomed to certain types of exercises. It’s important to shake things up.

5. Drink More Water

This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give up other beverages, but that’s often a natural side effect. Water is the best way you can hydrate your body. It can help you eat less if you’re looking to reduce fat and it can improve every aspect of your body—including your skin.

Challenging yourself to drink a glass of water before having another beverage is a great way to incorporate more water into your life. Having a glass of water before a meal can also help your body gauge whether you’re thirsty or hungry.

6. Spend More Time Laughing

Laughing is linked to health, and with good reason. Get your laughs whenever you can, because studies show that adults laugh way less than children. Spend time with friends who make you smile, listen to a funny podcast or watch comedies.


Wellness is about a lot more than looking a certain way or eating kale on a daily basis. You can create your own definition of wellness by focusing on more and feeling like every indulgence is a treat.


Rachel is a freelance ( content writer located in San Diego, California. Over the course of her career, she has written a variety of health, parenting, and fitness articles. In her free time, she enjoys running along the beach with her two puppies and practising yoga.

Fortune favours the brave


  1. Nethan Paul

    August 29, 2020 at 1:41 pm

    These tips are helpful to improve the sleep cycle and I want to follow these. Insomnia is a common problem for me and it is due to the heavy workload. I have the smoking habit and in order to keep away from nicotine

    • Hasan Al-Jarrah

      January 24, 2021 at 11:48 pm

      Amazing Pal

  2. Kate Brownell

    January 13, 2020 at 10:04 am

    A good content to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The points are very worthy and in our busy life these are very important. To get a proper sleep environment and the ambience of the bedroom is very important. I have the problem of insomnia due to stress and that is why I am using cpap masks for side sleepers. But I have also used a proper mattress and maintain a cool ambience in the bedroom.

    • Asad Meah

      January 20, 2020 at 2:08 pm

      Glad you enjoyed the article Kate
      Proper sleep is one of the major keys to a healthy mind and body
      May God cure your insomnia
      Talk to others, journal, destress, spend time doing things you love and enjoy

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