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35 Toxic People Quotes



35 Toxic People Quotes

Toxic people drain emotional energy from you. They like to stir drama and make you feel bad about yourself. Some of the kinds of toxic people are narcissists, gaslighters, manipulators, play-victims, passive-aggressive people and the like. In most cases, these people crave for attention and sense of superiority. Most of them are not aware they are toxic, so the best course of action is to address their issues if you feel you can’t stay away from them. Seek help from a professional. May these Toxic People Quotes inspire you to take action so that you may live your dreams.

1. “Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you.” Christian Baloga

Toxic People Quotes - "Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you." Christian Baloga

2. “Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. Fumigate.” Mandy Hale

3. “It’s rare for a toxic person to change their behavior. More often, the only thing that varies is their target and the blame they place. Because some toxic people are difficult to identify, keep in mind that a victim mindset is sometimes a red flag. So, listen when someone talks about their life and circumstances. If the list of people they blame is long, it’s probably only a matter of time before you’re on that list.” Steve Maraboli

4. “We all have these toxic people around us that make our lives miserable. The day we take them out of their lives, we will all become better people; including them.” Rodolfo Peon

5. “Toxic people create chaos, point fingers, shift blame and avoid taking responsibility.” Dr. Anne Brown RNMS

Toxic People Quotes - "Toxic people create chaos, point fingers, shift blame and avoid taking responsibility." Dr. Anne Brown RNMS

6. “Check yourself. Sometimes you are the toxic person. Sometimes you are the mean, negative person you’re looking to push away. Sometimes the problem is you. And that doesn’t make you less worthy. Keep on growing. Keep on checking yourself. Mistakes are opportunities. Look at them, own them, grow from them and move on. Do better, be better. You’re human. It’s okay.” Anonymous

7. “Do not waste your time on things you can’t change. Know when to walk away from toxic people and hopeless situations.” Anonymous

8. “People don’t only need to heal their hearts from toxic love relationships. They need to heal from toxic parents, toxic siblings, toxic friends, toxic bosses, toxic biz partnerships, etc. These relationships can break your heart, too.” Karen Salmansohn

9. “It’s crazy how toxic people can manipulate others into thinking that you’re bad person.” Tamuda Bianca

10. “A toxic person only changes their victims, never themselves.” Anonymous

Toxic People Quotes - "A toxic person only changes their victims, never themselves." Anonymous

11. “Losing toxic people is a win.” Anonymous

12. “You can be kind and still choose to walk away from toxic people.” Anonymous

13. “When a person is being toxic; don’t respond to them. Don’t give them the control and power they crave. They want a reaction from you, it feeds them. Let them starve.” Maria Consiglio

14. “Distance yourself from toxic people. Their aim is to damage you as much as they damage themselves.” Anonymous

15. “Letting go of toxic people is self-care.” Maxime Lagacé

Toxic People Quotes - "Letting go of toxic people is self-care." Maxime Lagacé

16. “Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself.” Hussein Nishah

17. “You don’t ever have to feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life. It doesn’t matter whether someone is a relative, romantic interest, employer, childhood friend, or a new acquaintance — You don’t have to make room for people who cause you pain or make you feel small. It’s one thing if a person owns up to their behavior and makes an effort to change. But if a person disregards your feelings, ignores your boundaries, and “continues” to treat you in a harmful way, they need to go.” Daniell Koepke

18. “Even if toxic people are right about what is ‘good,’ they are wrong if the approach is not healthy.” John Lewis Lund

19. “Don’t be afraid to walk away from toxic people.” Anonymous

20. “When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. The misinformation will feel unfair, but stay above it, trusting that other people will eventually see the truth just like you did.” Jill Blakeway

Toxic People Quotes - "When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. The misinformation will feel unfair, but stay above it, trusting that other people will eventually see the truth just like you did." Jill Blakeway

21. “Don’t let getting lonely make you reconnect with toxic people. You shouldn’t drink poison just because you’re thirsty.” Anonymous

22. “Cutting toxic people off doesn’t make you a bad person, selfish, or weak. Cutting toxic people off means you value your integrity over what other people think of you.” Anonymous

23. “Don’t associate yourself with toxic people. It’s better to be alone and love yourself than surrounded by people that make you hate yourself.” Robin Williams

24. “If you walked away from a toxic, negative, abusive, one-sided, dead-end low vibrational relationship or friendship, you won.” Lalah Delia

25. “Say goodbye to drama, toxic people and self-criticism. Say yes to more happiness, time with good friends and love.” Anonymous

Toxic People Quotes - "Say goodbye to drama, toxic people and self-criticism. Say yes to more happiness, time with good friends and love." Anonymous

26. “It’s so nice when toxic people stop talking to you. It’s like the trash took itself out.” Anonymous

27. “Stack all the rocks you want, but if you don’t let go of the toxic people and behaviors in your life, nothing will change.” Steve Maraboli

28. “Not all toxic people are cruel and uncaring. Some of them love us dearly. Many of them have good intentions. Most are simply toxic to our being simply because their needs and way of existing force us to compromise ourselves and our happiness. They aren’t inherently bad people, but they aren’t the right people for us.” Daniell Koepke

29. “Like arsenic, toxic people will slowly kill you. They kill your positive spirit and play with your mind and emotions. The only cure is to let them go.” Dennisse Lisseth

30. “It’s not your job to detox toxic people. It’s your job to detox the part of you that resonates with their toxicity.” Anonymous

Toxic People Quotes - "It's not your job to detox toxic people. It's your job to detox the part of you that resonates with their toxicity." Anonymous

31. “Don’t let toxic people infect you with the fear of giving and receiving one of the most powerful forces in this world—LOVE!” Yvonne Pierre

32. “Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters.” John Mark Green

33. “Toxic people spread their toxin to you and then you, in turn, become a wasteland like they are.” Body Focus

34. “Stay away from toxic people, they’ll drain you mentally and emotionally, love yourself and be happy.” Realshazzar

35. “Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out!” Robert Tew

Toxic People Quotes - "Don't let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out!" Robert Tew

I hope you enjoyed these Toxic People Quotes. Do let us know which one was your favorite in the comments section below.

Check Out Evan Carmichael’s 7 Ways to Manage NEGATIVE People at Work:

Have A Great Day!


Being a mischievous youth in my early days, I often cause misunderstanding among my classmates and friends. This also lead to numerous failed social relationships among my peers. The pandemic led me to reassess my life and through a series of unplanned events, I am now the one giving people advice through the power of words.


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