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35 Pressure Quotes On Success



35 Pressure Quotes On Success

In a work context, pressure can be defined as; The stress or urgency of matters requiring attention, the burden of physical or mental distress, and the constraint of circumstances. May these Pressure Quotes On Success inspire you to take action so that you may live your dreams.

1. “Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.” Kobe Bryant

Pressure Quotes On Success - "Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise." Kobe Bryant

2. Courage is grace under pressure.” Ernest Hemingway

3. “When I was younger, I felt pressure to become someone else once I became successful.” Lady Gaga

4. “The only pressure I feel is the pressure I put on myself to win.” Andy Murray

5. “I don’t believe in pressure. The pressure is not being prepared for what you want to do.” Colin Kaepernick

Pressure Quotes On Success - "I don't believe in pressure. The pressure is not being prepared for what you want to do." Colin Kaepernick

6. “To know what that true self is without social pressure is to know your true nature.” Martha Beck

7. “The challenge is to stay cool enough to handle the pressure in the moment so that you can succeed in the future.” Jurgen Klopp

8. “When the pressure comes, preferences give way while convictions hold firm.” Edwin Louis Cole

9. “The more pressure you bring from without, the less internal pressure is necessary.” Oliver Tambo

10. “There’s so much pressure to be at a certain level in your job and at a certain place in your life, but if everyone was doing things at the same time, then life would be so boring. Everyone reaches different stages at different times.” Caroline Flack

Pressure Quotes On Success - "There's so much pressure to be at a certain level in your job and at a certain place in your life, but if everyone was doing things at the same time, then life would be so boring. Everyone reaches different stages at different times." Caroline Flack

11. “When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.” Peter Marshall

12. “I don’t feel too much pressure. I only see an opportunity.” Jurgen Klopp

13. “I don’t feel the pressure by outsiders. I’m not someone who’s easily influenced by the public.” Khloe Kardashian

14. “I didn’t try to copy my dad or fit into the pressure or the mold that everybody tried to make me fit into.” Joel Osteen

15. “I’m not intimidated by lead roles. I’m better in them. I don’t feel pressure. I feel released at times like that. That’s what I’m born to do.” Morgan Freeman

Pressure Quotes On Success - "I'm not intimidated by lead roles. I'm better in them. I don't feel pressure. I feel released at times like that. That's what I'm born to do." Morgan Freeman

16. “If you’re always under the pressure of real identity, I think that is somewhat of a burden.” Mark Zuckerberg

17. “He who is of calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden.” Plato

18. “Pray thee, spare, thyself at times: for it becomes a wise man sometimes to relax the high pressure of his attention to work.” Thomas Aquinas

19. “You put the pressure on this guy. You test his conditioning. You test the cardio. You test the heart, the will. That’s how you beat RDA.” Tony Ferguson

20. “No matter how good you are at planning, the pressure never goes away. So I don’t fight it. I feed off it. I turn pressure into motivation to do my best.” Ben Carson

Pressure Quotes On Success - "No matter how good you are at planning, the pressure never goes away. So I don't fight it. I feed off it. I turn pressure into motivation to do my best." Ben Carson

21. “Pressure comes from within and so must be mastered from within.” Ed Jacoby

22. “There is no such thing as talent. There is pressure.” Alfred Alder

23. “I don’t back down. I don’t cave when the pressure gets too great from these partisan political ideological forces.” Dan Rather

24. “Once you agree upon the price you and your family must pay for success, it enables you to ignore the minor hurts, the opponent’s pressure, and the temporary failures.” Vince Lombardi

25. “The best kind of accountability on a team is peer-to-peer. Peer pressure is more efficient and effective than going to the leader, anonymously complaining, and having them stop what they are doing to intervene.” Patrick Lencioni

Pressure Quotes On Success - "The best kind of accountability on a team is peer-to-peer. Peer pressure is more efficient and effective than going to the leader, anonymously complaining, and having them stop what they are doing to intervene." Patrick Lencioni

26. “I had a huge advantage when I started 50 years ago – my job was secure. I didn’t have to promote myself. These days there’s far more pressure to make a mark, so the temptation is to make adventure television or personality shows. I hope the more didactic approach won’t be lost.” David Attenborough

27. “I don’t feel much pressure to fit in. I never have. I’ve always just wanted to do my thing. I have really good friends and good family, and if I don’t fit in somewhere else, I fit in at home.” Ariana Grande

28. “It has gotten worse as I’m becoming more successful. My nerves. Just because there’s a bit more pressure, and people are expecting a lot more from me.” Adele

29. “I don’t think golf has ever been any pressure as far as having to succeed.” Tiger Woods

30. “The emotion to handle the pressure is one of the biggest challenges in football – it’s the top challenge.” Jurgen Klopp

Pressure Quotes On Success - "The emotion to handle the pressure is one of the biggest challenges in football - it's the top challenge." Jurgen Klopp

31. “Rather than doing the kind of fact-checking that normally goes with a story, you ran with certain stories for not wanting to get beat. There’s a pressure that exists in your profession. I would be surprised in any honest exchange that you say that doesn’t exist.” Rahm Emanuel

32. “No matter how busy I get or how much pressure is on my shoulders, a good workout makes me feel at ease. I come off the treadmill feeling relaxed, full of joy and with a sense of perspective over the issues on my plate.” Robin S. Sharma

33. “Too often the pressure for popularity, on children and teens, places an economic burden on the income of the father, so mother feels she must go to work to satisfy her children’s needs. That decision can be most shortsighted.” Ezra Taft Benson

34. “There is a tendency in all of us to ask for better statistical performance. There is a tendency to impose quotas behind which usually lies imposition of pressure to achieve improved statistics.” Gordon B. Hinckley

35. “I want to wake up every day and do whatever comes in my mind, and not feel pressure or obligations to do anything else in my life.” Michael Jordan

Pressure Quotes On Success - "I want to wake up every day and do whatever comes in my mind, and not feel pressure or obligations to do anything else in my life." Michael Jordan

I hope you enjoyed these Pressure Quotes On Success. Do let us know which one was your favorite in the comments section below.

Check Out Under Pressure: Success Against the Clock | Milind Khurana | TEDxUMiami:

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