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25 Inspirational Quotes On Limits



25 Inspirational Quotes On Limits

Limitations only exist if you impose them upon yourself within your mind. Many limit themselves on what they can accomplish in life because they are not aware. May these quotes inspire your to set no limits on your life and go after your dreams.

1. “All limits are self-imposed.” Icarus

2. “Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.” Anonymous

3. “The only limits that exist are the ones in your own mind.” Anonymous

4. “You will never know your limits unless you push yourself to them.” Anonymous

5. “No fear. No limits. No excuses.” Anonymous

6. “Never limit yourself.” Anonymous

7. “Sometimes, the best way to learn is to go beyond limits and set your own rules.” Anonymous

8. “Limits like fears are often just an illusion.” Michael Jordan

9. “Your only limit is you.” Anonymous

10. “Don’t let your past limit your future.” Anonymous

11. “The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.” Arthur C. Clarke

12. “Either push your limits or suffocate in your comfort zone.” Arun Purang

13. “The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.” Tony Robbins

14. “Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they’re yours.” Richard Bach

15. “Accept no limits. Just do it.” Nike

16. “You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” Michael Phelps

17. “If you want it badly enough there are no limits to what you can achieve.” Anonymous

18. “One extends one’s limits only by exceeding them.” M. Scott Peck

19. “You only know yourself when you go beyond your limits.” Paulo Coelho

20. “The only limits you have are the limits you believe.” Wayne Dyer

21. “Stop limiting your potential. Realize that there’s an unlimited amount of things that can do with your life.” Sonya Parker

22. “The fears we don’t face don’t become our limits.” Robin Sharma

23. “There is no finish line. It’s a continuous journey and I’m always looking to push my limits.”  Anonymous

24. “Don’t set limits on your unlimited potential.” Anonymous

25. “Live a life without limits. All things are possible to those who believe.” ATGW




My name is Asad Meah, I am the CEO & Founder of AwakenTheGreatnessWithin. I am a dreamchaser who has gained a wealth of knowledge in entrepreneurship and personal development over the past five years through self-education. My mission is to inspire millions of people to become entrepreneurs by awakening their minds to their greatness that resides within them.

Fortune favours the brave


  1. Yo

    January 19, 2020 at 10:50 am

    Yes it’s empowering

  2. Msa

    April 27, 2019 at 10:36 am

    Yah I agree this
    Very nice

    • Asad Meah

      April 29, 2019 at 8:28 pm

      Glad you enjoyed the article

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