VIDEO! Getting in Bed With Kristin + Sophia Wallace: Clits, Shame, and the Patriarchy

This week Kristin got in Sophia Wallace’s bed and talked about cliteracy, feeling comfortable with body parts that we’ve been taught to feel shame about, book club crushes, the patriarchy, a missing giant gold clit statue, Sophia’s cute dog and her perfect bangs, and honestly, if you can believe it, so much more!

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Kristin is the co-director of A-Camp, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Everyone Is Gay & My Kid Is Gay, author of This is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids, and co-host of Buffering the Vampire Slayer, a podcast about (you guessed it!) Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Kristin has written 60 articles for us.


  1. I have loved Sophia Wallace’s work for so long and I love Getting In Bed With Kristin and I LOVE learning about the clitoris so like, what I’m saying is, this was a very ideal episode for me.

  2. I just wanted to express how thrilled I was to hear the two of you speak. I’m a big fan of Sophia Wallace! Would love it if guests were a regular feature on GIBWC.

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