The Comment Awards Just Want to See Some Kissing on TV

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Hi there, muffins! I hope you’re having a fantastic week! I went roller skating for the first time in about twelve years last night, and my respect for Derby players, which was always healthy, has just shot up to the HIGHEST levels. The skating was fine. But the falling? I’m so stiff today I feel like the Tin Man. IT WAS FUN THOUGH!

This week, Niko wrote about The Legend of Zelda, and the mirror it held up each time Link awoke in an unexpected place.

This headline made me laugh out loud: Let’s Check In on Riverdale’s Final Season, Set Inexplicably in the 1950s.

Sai doesn’t want to be a parenting influencer, for this week’s Queer Mom Chronicles.

The Owl House has wrapped up, but the series finale was adorably gay!

KKU knows: You should be watching Beef on Netflix.

For You Need Help, Heather wrote to a reader whose new date needs medical help!

These Queer-Friendly Gyms Provide Safe and Welcoming Places To Move Your Body. I want to go to all of them!

For I’ll Watch Anything, Carmen wrote about the vital and too-rare experience of getting to see Black queer characters kiss.

Ted! Lasso! Bisexuality! 

And then there were your comments!

On Queer Mom Chronicles: I Don’t Want To Be a Parenting Influencer:

The Visibility Matters Award to shamblebot:

Love this! Visibility doesn’t have to mean visible on social media, it can be as simple as being present in your community. Odds are it’ll actually make more of an impact on the teachers, other parents, and kids that they know a queer family than if they just saw a TikTok about a queer family. Please keep writing about queer families and queer parenting!

On “The Owl House” Ends With a Gloriously Gay Sendoff:

The Catharsis Award to Stacey:

I cried watching it, and I waited for your recap because I knew I would cry again.

On Guessing Game: Gay Origin Story:

The Deep Roots Award to Evi K and Rio:

Too bad it doesn’t want to recognize my GOS, “Xena

On Netflix’s Beef Is Very Stressful — It’s Also an Incredible Work of Art:

The Cathartic Chaos Award to Cxfergus:

On I’ll Watch Anything Where the Black Girls Kiss:

The See It, Be It Award to Dani:

Thank you for writing this Carmen. A lot of us use media as a reflective guide when coming out and it’s so hard when the storytelling makes Black WLW portrayals an afterthought. I’d gladly watch anything where the Black girls kiss too!

On “Ted Lasso” Confirms That Bisexual Character’s Bisexuality!

The Scandal Award to Sally:

Just watched this and my dog was SHOCKED when they snogged. Me, not so much so

And on Gutter Talk: Republicans Are in Their X-Men Villain Era:

The Extra! Extra! Award to lunavolcano:

Without having read the article yet, I was highly compelled to scroll down and let you know the headline is the best I’ve read, anywhere, in a very long time.

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


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