A+ Sex Diary: Masturbation Challenge Accepted

Welcome to A+ Sex Diaries, an A+ feature in which we publish seven days in our sex lives. This week: A single femme trying to get back in touch with herself. Literally. Queer, 31, hailing from the Midwest.

Day One
5:00 a.m.: I’ve been struggling with a low libido lately, for a lot of reasons — I don’t have a romantic partner at the moment, living with roommates leaves me with very little alone time, I’ve been stressed with work, I’m always dealing with depression. Still, I don’t like that I’m losing the parts of myself that are fun, body confident, and sexy. I can feel myself growing more shy and disconnected with my body every day.

I recently spent some time thinking about how to better tap into my body and desires. I’ve heard a...

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