Queered & Careered: Practice Career Cocooning

A few years ago, I was introduced to the concept of cocooning in Sue Monk Kidd’s memoir When the Heart Waits. Inspired by the caterpillar’s process, cocooning describes a time in your life in which you are strongly encouraged, or more likely forced, to wait — to sit, get comfortable, pour yourself a cup of tea, and prepare for the transformation that is taking place in you.

Many of us are being forced to deal with career cocoons right now: cocoons of job loss or career anxiety or general helplessness as we navigate working from home or virtual job searches for the first time. It is dark down here in this cocoon, and we don’t know how long we’ll have to wait here, but in the meantime: What are some ways we can gain clarity around our career goals and envision an exciting post-pandemic work life for ourselves?

One of my favorite ways to practice career envisioning is to create a vision board. A vision board is a visual representation of your goals and dreams, typically made by cutting out pictures from magazines and putting them in a collage format! I won’t go into all the ins and outs of creating a vision board (Autostraddle already has us covered), BUT some of the more important questions that you should ask yourself when making a career-specific vision board include: How do I want to feel at or after work? What are some images that illustrate the ways I want to show up at work? Why did I choose the industry I chose to work in and are there other industries I am interested in exploring? What are my goals and where do I eventually hope to end up in my career?

If you are a journaling and writing nerd like me, there are so many ways you can practice
your career visioneering skills while cocooning. You can write a poem from the perspective of someone in your dream career role or create an advertisement for your perfect job posting. You can write a short narrative of what a day in your future dream career would look like. Where would you live? What would you wear to work? Would you work in an office or would you work from home with two Border Collies’ at your feet at all times? You can write down the details of an award ceremony where you are the recipient of the highest honor. What will they say when they introduce you? What are you winning the award for in your field? Make a list of all your favorite TV and book characters and write how you hope to use their energy at work.

Writing activities like this can give you clarity about your personal brand and what you’d like to be known for in your field. They can also show you what you value when it comes to work, and help you to seek out job postings that can lead you to the opportunities you desire and deserve.

When butterflies practice cocooning, they are preparing for a physical transformation, so what are some ways you can transform yourself at home to match the energy you want to convey in your career? When I work from home, I wear comfy pastel sweaters, cardigans, and cozy, fluffy socks (off camera, off camera of course). This changes from what I wear when I go in for interviews and want to feel confident and assured (think: blazers, dress pants, and pointy toed flats).

What colors and textures feel the most you when it comes to your #careergoals, and what kind of energy do you want to give off to others with your clothing, hair, and make up choices? Start wearing those clothes around the house to get into a productive and motivated mindset. Also, choose a lucky outfit you’ll wear to interviews!

Get your friends, loved ones, and/or pandemic buddies involved in the process. Do one or all of these activities with them and hold each other accountable as you take your next career steps. Brainstorm ways that you can support each other’s career goals. Utilize each other’s connections or find ways that you can collaborate with each other.

Cocooning can be a process of joy if you can let it! Use this time to be creative, to allow yourself to dream, to realize new ways of thinking and dreaming about your career. You deserve it. We deserve it. And hopefully we can come out of this with new wings.

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Tiara Dee

Tiara’s six word memoir is “born with questions in her mouth.” By day, she works as a sassy, affirmation-card-wielding Career Coach. After hours, she is a creative writer, book reviewer (@booknerdspells), and unofficial bubble tea ambassador. Tiara writes angsty fiction and essays about intersectionality, mermaids, reading, spirituality, being queer, and traveling. She hates beets and people who touch her hair.

Tiara has written 18 articles for us.


  1. Tiara, I love love love your advice. It seems to me sometimes the posts about work/jobs on AS don’t get much commenter love (still miiss “follow your arrow” column) But I honestly love, need and appreciate it

  2. This was so helpful to read! Cocooning is the perfect way to describe this space in time we’re all living. It’s frustrating- sometimes I have lots of creative energy flowing through me manifesting things left and right, and sometimes I cannot gather energy or willpower to get anything done…the latter was me yesterday. But the take away from this article is that overall, WAITING, and getting comfortable with being still, IS a part of the process. Transformation takes energy. Envisioning the next stage of my life takes energy. Doing all of this with the pandemic uncertainty over ALL of our heads takes the MOST energy within itself, and realizing this yesterday helped me see that I’m actually doing a decent job right now. Reading this article at the start of my day, with some energy and focus back, has reinforced I’m right where I need to be.

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I’ll be coming back to this one whenever my head runs away with its expectations. :)

  3. Great Article. Really I am very glad to read this effective post about how to practice career cocooning. I think cocooning is a good strategy to build our career as women entrepreneurs. Actually, I am a freelance academic advisor at a famous educational services agency, Interested people can check our Edu Birdie review to know about us. Basically, I work from home, So I hope this advice will be very helpful to me, as well as this concept will be useful for those who are struggling to build their career at work from home. Appreciated the author for sharing this valuable advice.

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