This space is to inspire children and young people to make art. We posted projects here throughout lockdown and will continue the practice. Creativity is always relevant, but especially during challenging times.

We asked our Patrons why they believe creativity was so important during a time when people were largely confined to home and schools were closed.

"Making art takes us to an absorbing and meaningful place inside ourselves which is a useful escape if you are in lockdown."
Grayson Perry RA CBE

"In lockdown, our bodies can’t get out and about - but our imaginations can fly. There’s no lockdown for dreams, ideas, visions.... and there couldn’t be a better time to let your creativity roam around. So do get doodling, drawing, painting, making stuff.....and enjoy the freedom of that!"
Juliet Stevenson CBE

“When you create you are free. Never worry whether it’s art or if it’s good, it’s your inner voice that matters”
Jenny Saville RA

"I think Picasso made a good point when he said, "Everything you can imagine is real". We may all be stuck indoors at the moment, but that doesn’t need to limit us in what we can create and achieve if we rely on our imaginations!"
Emma Ward

"It’s so important to keep occupied and busy to cope with all the things that have turned our worlds upside down. Being creative is a crucial part of this and a great way to take children’s minds off some of the more difficult things that they might be thinking about otherwise."
Camilla Woodward

“During this most challenging time it must be so very difficult for children and their families. I simply cannot imagine a more engaging and inspirational resource than “At the Bus” which allows children to use their imagination in such a creative and fulfilling way providing a real sense of accomplishment.“
Anthony Silverstone

"The beauty of being human is, the more stress we struggle with, the more creativity is released and the world can become a little brighter. So let your creativity sing!"
Crawford Hollingworth

Project Number 23: Where The Wild Things Are

Make a sculpture inspired by Maurice Sendak’s Where The Wild Things Are.  And why not try a game of Wild Things picture consequences to help with your creation?  You can download the pdf worksheet here:

where the wild things are ATB-2



Project Number 22: Make a Statement

For this project we’d like to invite you to make a statement.  You might have seen this important statement artwork by the artist Bob and Roberta Smith


Think of a message or statement you would like to show as a piece of art.  Make it positive and powerful.

Here are some ideas for how you might start to work and a pdf document to download.

text art ATB-3

Project Number 21: Make Biscuit Sculptures

In further celebration of  our partnership with on form unlocked we have created another sculpture project – Make Biscuit Sculptures. You can take inspiration from the sculptures in stone which form part of the exhibition at Asthall Manor.  But when you’ve made your sculptures you can display them and then eat them!!

You can download the pdf instructions here biscuit sculptures ATB

Project Number 20: Fruit Bowl Sculpture Challenge

To coincide with our partnership with on form unlocked we have created a sculpture project – the Fruit Bowl Sculpture Challenge.  You can take inspiration from the sculptures in stone which form part of the exhibition at Asthall Manor.

You can download the pdf instructions here Fruit bowl sculpture challenge ATB-4

Project Number 19: Make a Name Plate

Ever wanted to make a name plate or sign to hang on a door?  With some string and a plain envelope you’re halfway there.  All you need to do is add words and decoration.

The instructions are here to download: name plate ATB-5

Project Number 18: Looking Up and Out - Our first collaboration with the Ashmolean Learning Team in Oxford

At the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford there is an oil painting by John Constable called Study of Clouds. It was painted almost two hundred years ago in 1822.  Constable used the term ‘skying’ to describe the process of closely observing the sky.

The Ashmolean also has a water colour painting by John Ruskin, called Study of Dawn: Purple Clouds. It was first added to their collection in 1871.  Looking at the two together you can see so well what different stories the sky can tell and how artists choose to tell those stories.

How might you paint, draw, photograph or depict the sky?  We’ve worked with the Learning Team at The Ashmolean to put together this worksheet to help guide you in creating an image of your sky.  When you have made it, will you share it with us? We would love to open an entire Gallery dedicated to the sky!

And there is a pdf worksheet to download here:

Ashmolean ATB-9










Project Number 17: Create a hanging disc

You probably have some CDs hanging around. You might not ever play them though.  Why not transform them into shimmering, reflective decorations?  You can hang them anywhere to catch the light and bring a little sparkle to the day.

This video shows you what you could make!  With big thanks to Anna.


And there is a pdf worksheet to download here:


Project Number 16: It's all about the FISH!

The world is your oyster…or octopus….or angel fish as you decorate loo rolls, or masks to create an underwater world.  You could even transform the side of a box into an aquarium.  If you have a spare pillowcase you can decorate that too.  Whatever you create do please share it with us.  You’ll find our instagram at at_the_bus and use  #artproject

There are pdf worksheets to download here:

fish from anything ATB-4

Fish Pillowcase final ATB

Project Number 15: Whose shoes?

Take a look at these fabulous cowboy boots.  Can you instantly see who would wear them?  What kind of a person are they?  Can you bring them to life?  We’ve given you the boots – can you fill in the rest?

And what about the trainers?  Who’s wearing those?  Are they very different in personality and style from the person in the cowboy boots?

Shoes can tell a story.  How many shoe related stories can you remember?  There’s Cinderella and the glass slipper, Puss in Boots, Dorothy with her ruby slippers in The Wizard of Oz, The Elves and the Shoemaker.  There must be more. Let us know what we have forgotten.

In the meantime, let your imagination run riot.  But be sure to wear the right kind of shoes!

You can download the worksheets here: Shoes pdf

We are very grateful to footwear designer Kitty Shukman for the inspiration.

Project Number 14: Create a Circle Picture

Circles surround you and and relate to  infinity, wholeness, containment.   Circles can be found everywhere in the natural world –  the face of a daisy,  lichen on a paving stone, berries.  And circles are everywhere in the man-made world too; wheels, rolls of sticky tape, birthday cake,  pencils, you can probably add 20 more things to this list.  Can you create an abstract picture using circles?  We’ve got some ideas and inspiration to help:

Circles ATB-3

Project Number 13: Create a Vehicle

Have you ever thought of designing a vehicle?  We are asking you, your teachers, families and friends to design your own vehicle. Plan it.  Draw it or paint it.  Model it. What would it look like, where will it go?  Wheels provide for all sorts of journeys.

Draw, make or create your own vision on wheels and send it to and we will upload it to an exclusive online Transportation Gallery.  Invite your teachers, friends and family to join in.

Attached is a worksheet as a possible source of inspiration.

Wheels ATB-5

Project Number 12: A View From My Window

The view from a window has been the inspiration for countless artists and a thrill for whoever looks upon the work, gazing through paintings and photographs into distant spaces.  You may have a favourite view from your window, or enjoy watching rain falling against the glass, seeing people on the street in conversation, a passing cat.  The view from your window is another world.  This project invites you to put it on paper.  Draw, paint or photograph it, you are in control of what appears in the frame.  Here is a downloadable project pdf with some ideas to help:

Window ATB-3

Project Number 11: Make a Collage Face

This project invites you to create a face by using features from well known paintings and reassembling them to make an  entirely new face!  We’ve provided some images for you, but you can take your inspiration from faces in magazines or newspapers, anywhere there’s a face, there’s a feature you can use.   Here’s the link to download:

Collage Faces for AT The Bus

Project Number 10: Make a Mini Art Gallery

Exhibit your artwork in your very own gallery.  Have a private view.  Invite other people to submit their work for your consideration.  What you say goes!

Gallery Inspiration for AT The Bus

Project Number 9: Make a Self-Portrait or Make Hair Doodles

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week 18 -24 May 2020 and we’re sharing these fun drawing worksheets.  Doodling can help with stress and anxiety and is a good way to achieve a creative mindset.   Doodle and write about things you like, things that make you who you are in the Self-Portrait project and fill your self-portrait head with wonder.  Doodle anything and everything for the Hair doodle project – pattern making can be very calming.

Here are the download links for the two projects:

Self portrait for AT The Bus  

Hair doodles for AT The Bus

Project Number 1: Vincent Van Gogh

Learn about Vincent Van Gogh and then create something – paint a vase of flowers (it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any flowers, you can create your own – and the vase too!). You could design a bedroom – draw it or make it. Download this project sheet and we’ll give you some ideas.

Vincent Van Gogh Inspiration for AT The Bus

If you would like to see more of Van Gogh’s work you can make a virtual visit to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

Project Number 2: Make Floating Fish

We are going to make a mobile with floating fish and other sea creatures.  Look around your home to find some things you could use… you can use anything you find, be creative with what you have!  You can download the worksheets here:

Fish Mobile Project

Project Number 3: Make a Draughts Board

You’re going to need 24 counters – 12 each side.  Look around to see what you can find.  How about bottle tops? Buttons? Lego pieces? Coins? Or design your own pieces on paper or cardboard.   Draughts boards are traditionally black and white.  But yours doesn’t have to be….

You can download the worksheets here:

Draughts Board for AT The Bus

Project Number 4: Make Portrait Models of Friends and Family

You can make your family – even those members who are far away, or your school friends – who you might not have seen for a while.  You can even make a model portrait of your dog or cat!  Try using the cardboard tubes from loo roll for the body or an empty shampoo or washing up liquid bottle.  There’s lots more advice on what you can use on the worksheets below. Take a family portrait of your models and share it with us!  You can download the worksheet here.

Friends and Family Portraits for AT The Bus

Project Number 5: Make Paper Wish Birds

This beautiful project has been designed by illustrator Jane Ray. Make and decorate a Paper Wish Bird and if you have a wish, write your wish under its wings.   You’ll find more inspiration from Jane Ray on her Instagram page

You can download the instructions here:

Paper Wish Birds

Project Number 6: Be inspired by Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo’s garden at her home Casa Azul (Blue House) in Coyoacan, Mexico was a source of solace and inspiration.  She often painted flowers and animals.  Bright colours infuse her work.

In this project you can recreate a Kahlo inspired headband or picture frame by making your own brightly coloured paper flowers.

You can download the project here.Frida Kahlo Inspiration for AT The Bus

Project Number 7: Make Balloon Bunting!

This is a joyful one. You don’t even need balloons. You can make balloon shapes out of paper, or cardboard, or used magazines. And you can use the bunting to decorate your bedroom, a bathroom, another room that doesn’t begin with B, and of course you can celebrate a birthday party.

Download the instructions here and get started!

Balloon Bunting ATB-7

Project Number 8: Make a Face!

You’ll find with this project you don’t really need paper and pencils – your canvas can be a plate (good shape for a face), a table, the floor, a chair, your hand – you get the picture.  You can create a face out of anything.  And of course, if you’d rather draw a face who are we to stop you?

We’ve got lots of inspiration for you, including some great faces made by illustrator Korky Paul.  So get cracking and let us have your faces – we’re making a Faces Gallery on this website and want to exhibit your creation.  You can email it to us or share on post to our twitter page @ATTheBusUK using the #ATTheBusFaces.  We can’t wait to see what you make.  In the meantime, here’s some inspiration to download

Faces ATB