
New Atlanticist

Aug 30, 2023

Israel, Libya, and Italy were just reminded that diplomacy requires more than diplomats

By Karim Mezran

A recent meeting in Rome between the Libyan and Israeli foreign ministers has resulted in protests in Libya and political pressure on Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dbeibah.

Africa Israel


Aug 24, 2023

Semtex teddy bear: The mercenary build-up in Libya

By Alia Brahimi

Host and Nonresident Senior Fellow Alia Brahimi speaks with Libya expert Emadeddin Badi about tthe surge of African, Syrian and Russian mercenaries in Libya since 2019.

Conflict Crisis Management


Aug 3, 2023

Libya: Back to the future?

By Karim Mezran and Alessia Melcangi

The current Libyan situation is complex, influenced by numerous factors, including the conditions of the 2011 revolution. The misconception of it being a whole people's revolution led to a focus on elections instead of national reconciliation, hindering the rebuilding of consensus and a new social contract.

Civil Society Conflict


Aug 3, 2023

Irregular migration from North Africa: Shifting local and regional dynamics

By Matteo Villa and Alissa Pavia

Irregular migration from North Africa to Europe, especially through the Central Mediterranean route connecting Libya and Tunisia to Italy, is increasing once more. Italy has witnessed a surge in irregular arrivals, with approximately 136,000 migrants disembarking between June 2022 and May 2023, almost comparable to the high arrival period of 2014-2017 when around 155,000 migrants landed each year.

Human Rights Italy


Jul 14, 2023

After Tunisia expelled 1,200 Black Africans, here’s how the West can help avoid a humanitarian disaster

By Alissa Pavia and Tarek Megerisi

The West has the opportunity to prevent further deaths while simultaneously establishing resolutions to the migration predicament in Tunisia.

Civil Society Human Rights


Jun 28, 2023

The Wagner rebellion is over—for now. But how will the events reverberate in the Middle East and North Africa?

By Mark N. Katz

The June 23-24 rebellion led by Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin—aimed, he claimed, at replacing the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov (not Russian President Vladimir Putin)—has ended. However, reverberations from it are likely to continue being felt beyond Russia, such as in the Middle East and North […]

Conflict Europe & Eurasia


May 31, 2023

Time to double down: ICC arrest warrants in Libya are a great start but Libyans deserve more

By Christopher "Kip" Hale

While these ICC arrest warrants may be the accountability spark Libya desperately needs, the country will require more to be uprooted.

Libya Middle East

In the News

May 24, 2023

Mezran quoted in Middle East Eye on controversial demolition of Italian-era buildings in Benghazi and its motives

Italy Libya


May 18, 2023

How the international community can help Libya’s political deadlock, according to local civil society actors

By Ali Alaspli, Farah Ali, and Mohamed Salem

In this piece, three Libyan civil society representatives give their take on the international community’s role in Libya.

Human Rights Libya


Apr 27, 2023

What Russian mercenaries tell us about Russia

By Alia Brahimi

Host and nonresident senior fellow Alia Brahimi speaks with Russian defence analyst Pavel Luzin about what the proliferation of Russian mercenaries abroad tells us about Russia at home.

Conflict Crisis Management
