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Jun 7, 2024

Reconstructing Ukraine at war: The journey to prosperity starts now

By John E. Herbst, Olga Khakova, Charles Lichfield

Rebuilding the Ukrainian economy after Russia’s full-scale invasion will be a monumental task. Reconstruction can’t wait for peace and must be a well-coordinated, inclusive process.

Economy & Business Energy & Environment

Issue Brief

May 15, 2024

China Pathfinder: Q1 2024 update

By GeoEconomics Center and Rhodium Group

In the first quarter of 2024, Beijing pushed forward with a flurry of efforts to support a faltering stock market, ramp up exports to make up for domestic demand, and double-down on high-tech sectors with subsidies and other innovation funding.

China Fiscal and Structural Reform

Issue Brief

Apr 16, 2024

Geoeconomic fragmentation and net-zero targets

By Shirin Hakim and Amin Mohseni-Cheraghlou

This report outlines how the Bretton Woods Institutions can mitigate the effects of growing geoeconomic fragmentation on global net-zero targets.

China Climate Change & Climate Action
Image: iStock

Issue Brief

Apr 10, 2024

Standards and interoperability: The future of the global financial system

By Ananya Kumar, Alisha Chhangani, Jennifer Lassiter, and Katherine Haar

Digital assets promise enhanced efficiency, inclusion, transparency, and choice to global payments. But to fulfill this promise, the international community must first develop interoperability standards.

Digital Currencies Economy & Business


Apr 1, 2024

How China could respond to US sanctions in a Taiwan crisis

By Logan Wright, Agatha Kratz, Charlie Vest, and Matt Mingey

New research on Chinese resilience to and potential against G7 sanctions in the event of a Taiwan Crisis.

China Economic Sanctions

Issue Brief

Mar 26, 2024

Sanctions have become a tool of first resort. But enforcement needs upgraded and updated resources.

By David Mortlock and Alex Zerden

Enforcement remains a critical but underresourced element of economic sanctions.

Economic Sanctions United States and Canada

Issue Brief

Feb 5, 2024

China Pathfinder update: Lack of policy solutions in second half of 2023 belies official data

By GeoEconomics Center and Rhodium Group

Through the second half of 2023, the gap between China’s impressive official data and visibly underwhelming consumer demand, unresolved local government debt problems and an unprecedented drop in foreign direct investment was stark.

China Economy & Business

Issue Brief

Jan 16, 2024

Developing an agenda for international financial institutions and central bank digital currency

By Greg Brownstein and Utsav Saksena

Is the emerging architecture appropriate, effective, and sufficient to manage the global transition to digital money? This report focuses on three domains: financial stability, development and financial inclusion, and global payment systems.

Digital Currencies Economy & Business

Issue Brief

Jan 16, 2024

Navigating subsidy reform at the WTO

By Sona Muzikarova and Sophia Busch

The legitimacy of the World Trade Organization is in question. The United States and its allies, and leaders in the organization, can better wield its potential to address global issues, specifically to reduce inefficiencies from fragmentation caused by subsidies.

Economy & Business Fiscal and Structural Reform

Issue Brief

Jan 16, 2024

Governance reform of the Bretton Woods Institutions

By Sienna Nordquist and Joel Christoph

The paper emphasizes the need for a governance reform roadmap at the IMF and World Bank focusing on quota reallocation, diplomatic efforts, and a commitment to diversity and democratic principles.

Economy & Business European Union