

Apr 9, 2024

Georgia launches new push to adopt Russian-style foreign agent law

By Mercedes Sapuppo

Georgia’s ruling party has revived plans to pass legislation tightening restrictions on civil society, despite the fact that the same draft law sparked mass protests just one year ago, writes Mercedes Sapuppo.

Civil Society Conflict

New Atlanticist

Apr 8, 2024

Bangladesh’s election: Widely boycotted or widely accepted?

By Gautam Lahiri

The official voter turnout reached 41.8 percent—a lower figure than in Bangladesh’s last contested election, albeit not an unprecedented low.

Bangladesh Elections


Mar 19, 2024

Ukraine’s partners should link wartime aid to continued reform progress

By Mykhailo Zhernakov, Nestor Barchuk

It is crucial for Ukraine’s international allies to link continued wartime financial assistance with the implementation of reforms, write Mykhailo Zhernakov and Nestor Barchuk.

Civil Society Conflict

New Atlanticist

Mar 18, 2024

Addressing Haiti’s turmoil starts with its Caribbean neighbors—and US and Canadian support

By Jason Marczak, Wazim Mowla

A long-term approach is needed in which Caribbean leaders are in the driver’s seat, while Washington and Ottawa help to offset the costs.

Caribbean Crisis Management

In the News

Mar 18, 2024

Charai in National Interest: Iran Needs A New Round of Sanctions

By Atlantic Council

Iran Middle East

Russia Tomorrow

Mar 14, 2024

All the autocrat’s men: The court politics of Putin’s inner circle

By Mikhail Zygar

A new Atlantic Council report by journalist Mikhail Zygar explores how Russia's war on Ukraine has affected Vladimir Putin's inner circle.

Elections Europe & Eurasia

New Atlanticist

Mar 13, 2024

Venezuela’s opposition is challenging Maduro in the next election. The only question is how.

By Geoff Ramsey

With leading candidate María Corina Machado barred from Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election, who will the opposition to Nicolás Maduro support?

Civil Society Elections
Kremlin honor guard waits to open doors


Mar 8, 2024

Power Vertical Podcast: All the dictator’s men

By Atlantic Council

What is the state of the Putin court today? Host Brian Whitmore speaks with Mikhail Zygar, the author of a new Atlantic Council report on the internal politics of the Kremlin.

Elections Europe & Eurasia

Freedom and Prosperity Around the World

Feb 26, 2024

Russia will suffer decreases in every dimension of prosperity

By Konstantin Sonin

Over fifteen years, Russia's economy stagnated with low growth and persistent inequality. Challenges include minority rights restrictions, healthcare issues, and an educational crisis due to teacher exodus.

Europe & Eurasia Freedom and Prosperity

Freedom and Prosperity Around the World

Feb 26, 2024

Ukraine’s recovery hinges on allied support

By Yuriy Gorodnichenko

Ukraine faces challenges with its judicial system and war aftermath, including destruction, displacement, and educational setbacks. Recovery will require allied support and strategic policies.

Europe & Eurasia Freedom and Prosperity
