

Jul 25, 2024

Putin is convinced he can outlast the West and win in Ukraine

By Mykola Bielieskov

The West's collective fear of escalation and reluctance to commit to Ukrainian victory have convinced Putin that he can outlast his opponents and achieve an historic triumph in Ukraine, writes Mykola Bielieskov.

Conflict Defense Industry


Jul 16, 2024

Russia’s retreat from Crimea makes a mockery of the West’s escalation fears

By Peter Dickinson

The Russian Navy's quiet retreat from Crimea highlights the emptiness of Putin's red lines and the self-defeating folly of Western escalation management, writes Peter Dickinson.

Conflict Defense Policy


Jul 9, 2024

The Kremlin’s crimes will continue to escalate until Russia is defeated

By Serhiy Prytula

The Russian bombing of a children's hospital in Kyiv is a clear signal that Kremlin war crimes will only escalate and Vladimir Putin will not stop until he is stopped, writes Serhiy Prytula.

Conflict Freedom and Prosperity


Jul 2, 2024

Bombing Europe’s breadbasket: Russia targets Ukrainian farmers

By Hanna Hopko

Russia is attempting to destroy Ukraine's agricultural industry as part of the Kremlin's plan to undermine the economic foundations of Ukrainian statehood and pave the way for the country’s subjugation, writes Hanna Hopko.

Conflict Drones

Issue Brief

Jul 2, 2024

Doing as the Romans do: Recommendations for the infrastructure development agenda for Italy’s G7 presidency

By James Batchik, Rachel Rizzo, Nicholas O’Connell

The West's plans for infrastructure development, if done effectively, could be a strategic, economic, and geopolitical feat. The G7 now must take forward meaningful action to increase coordination and cooperation to turn this ambition into reality.

Africa Economy & Business


Jun 26, 2024

Ukraine’s innovative drone industry helps counter Putin’s war machine

By David Kirichenko

Ukraine's rapidly expanding and highly innovative domestic drone industry is helping the country compensate for Russia's overwhelming advantages in both manpower and munitions, writes David Kirichenko.

Conflict Defense Industry


Jun 20, 2024

FPV drones in Ukraine are changing modern warfare

By Tomas Milasauskas, Liudvikas Jaškūnas

First Person View (FPV) attack drones are shaping the battlefield in Ukraine and transforming our understanding of modern warfare, write Tomas Milasauskas and Liudvikas Jaškūnas.

Conflict Defense Industry


Jun 12, 2024

Ukraine is making the Russian occupation of Crimea untenable

By Olivia Yanchik

Ukraine's growing air strike capabilities are decimating Russian air defenses in Crimea and making the occupation of the peninsula increasingly untenable, writes Olivia Yanchik.

Conflict Defense Technologies


Jun 6, 2024

Russia is winning the energy war and plunging Ukraine into darkness

By Elena Davlikanova

Electricity blackouts are the new normal in Ukraine as the country struggles to cope with the consequences of a devastating Russian air offensive that has destroyed around half of Ukraine’s wartime power-generating capacity since the start of 2024, writes Elena Davlikanova.

Conflict Geopolitics & Energy Security


Jun 4, 2024

Vladimir Putin just tacitly admitted Crimea is not really part of Russia

By Peter Dickinson

Russia claims to have annexed five Ukrainian provinces but refuses to extend security red lines to these regions. This highlights the pragmatic political realities behind Putin's talk of historic conquests, writes Peter Dickinson.

Conflict Disinformation
