The Freedom and Prosperity Center aims to increase the prosperity of the poor and marginalized in developing countries and to explore the nature of the relationship between freedom and prosperity in both developing and developed nations.



Jul 25, 2024

The West should articulate the possibility of a European future for Belarus now

By Richard Cashman

Failure to articulate the possibility of a European future for Belarus leaves the Euro-Atlantic community at risk of being caught off guard without a plan when Belarus reaches its fork in the road, writes Richard Cashman.

Belarus Conflict

Inflection Points Today

Jul 25, 2024

Dispatch from Paris: The Olympics of hope begin on the River Seine

By Frederick Kempe

The Olympics never take place in a political vacuum, but this year’s begin amid the biggest threats to global order since the 1930s.

Democratic Transitions France

New Atlanticist

Jul 24, 2024

The Biden administration has changed how the US engages with developing countries

By Joseph Lemoine

Under Biden, the White House has restored US backing for international organizations and helped launch new initiatives, such as the G7’s Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment.

Africa Americas


Jul 23, 2024

Putin accused of jailing US journalists as ‘bargaining chips’ for prisoner swap

By Mercedes Sapuppo

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has been accused of using American journalists as bargaining chips after jailing US reporters Evan Gershkovich and Alsu Kurmasheva on dubious charges ahead of a possible prisoner swap, writes Mercedes Sapuppo.

Conflict Freedom and Prosperity


Jul 16, 2024

I was sentenced to ten years in absentia for highlighting Belarus’s descent into dictatorship

By Alesia Rudnik

My recent ten-year sentence in absentia is a sure sign that Belarusian dictator Alyaksandr Lukashenka is increasingly insecure and dependent on the Kremlin, writes Alesia Rudnik.

Belarus Civil Society


Jul 11, 2024

Five reasons why Ukraine should be invited to join NATO

By Paul Grod

The 2024 NATO Summit in Washington failed to produce any progress toward Ukrainian membership but there are five compelling reasons why Ukraine should be invited to join the alliance, writes Paul Grod.

Conflict European Union


Jul 11, 2024

Ukraine’s prayer breakfast challenges Kremlin claims of religious persecution

By Steven Moore

Ukraine's recent National Prayer Breakfast highlighted the country's commitment to religious freedom and challenged Kremlin accusations of religious persecution in the country, writes Steven Moore.

Civil Society Conflict


Jul 9, 2024

Britain’s new government pledges ‘unwavering commitment’ to Ukraine

By Peter Dickinson

Ukrainians are confident that the new UK government will maintain British support for their war effort as they fight for national survival against Russia's ongoing invasion, writes Peter Dickinson.

Conflict Freedom and Prosperity


Jul 9, 2024

The Kremlin’s crimes will continue to escalate until Russia is defeated

By Serhiy Prytula

The Russian bombing of a children's hospital in Kyiv is a clear signal that Kremlin war crimes will only escalate and Vladimir Putin will not stop until he is stopped, writes Serhiy Prytula.

Conflict Freedom and Prosperity
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands during a ceremony at which Xi received an honorary degree from St. Petersburg State University, in St. Petersburg, Russia, June 6, 2019.


Jul 3, 2024

Advancing freedom, defeating authoritarianism: A democracy agenda for 2025-2029

By Patrick Quirk

This report provides actionable and measurable policy recommendations for the upcoming administration's foreign policy to advance democracy and strengthen the US position in international development.

Economy & Business Freedom and Prosperity

