
New Atlanticist

Jun 7, 2024

Modi should make India’s energy transition his third-term legacy

By Kapil Sharma

There are three opportunities that the Modi government could take right away to further support and strengthen its clean energy agenda.

Climate Change & Climate Action Economy & Business
Solar panels on a field of grass


May 31, 2024

PACC 2030 objectives: The road to implementation

By Wazim Mowla, Charlene Aguilera

The Atlantic Council organized a PACC 2030 Working Group and worked closely with governments, the business community, and civil society organizations to support the implementation of PACC 2030’s objectives.

Caribbean Climate Change & Climate Action

New Atlanticist

May 14, 2024

Brazil’s tragic floods should put climate adaptation at the top of the G20 and COP agendas

By Valentina Sader

The ongoing flooding in Rio Grande do Sul is an example of the urgent need for countries to focus on adapting to climate change.

Brazil Climate Change & Climate Action

New Atlanticist

May 7, 2024

A new US economic playbook to lead the world economy and counter China

By Kaush Arha, Peter Harrell, and Clete Willems

The United States needs a new comprehensive economic strategy to advance US interests and deter China’s ability to do them harm.

China Climate Change & Climate Action


May 3, 2024

G7 pledges to end coal—but only inclusive action will make a real climate impact

By Elena Benaim

During the G7 energy ministerial in Turin, Italy, climate, energy, and environment ministers made a historic pledge to phase out coal power plants by 2035 among other agreements. But members ultimately need to turn pledges into action to blunt the impacts of climate change.

Africa Brazil

Atlantic Debrief

May 1, 2024

#AtlanticDebrief – What lessons can the EU take from the US Green New Deal? | A Debrief from Professor Mark Z. Jacobson

Carol Schaeffer sits down with Mark Z. Jacobson about what challenges policymakers need to consider in developing renewable energy infrastructure.

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy & Environment


Apr 29, 2024

The double costs of conflict-driven climate change in MENA and beyond

By Ariel Ezrahi

With the ongoing wars, it’s easy to dismiss the notions of climate change cooperation across borders as detached from reality. Unfortunately, the devastating impacts of climate change are not going away

Climate Change & Climate Action Conflict

Issue Brief

Apr 16, 2024

Geoeconomic fragmentation and net-zero targets

By Shirin Hakim and Amin Mohseni-Cheraghlou

This report outlines how the Bretton Woods Institutions can mitigate the effects of growing geoeconomic fragmentation on global net-zero targets.

China Climate Change & Climate Action

Issue Brief

Mar 29, 2024

Bolstering cooperation among Quad and Pacific Island countries

By Parker Novak, Kyoko Imai

As the Pacific Islands’ relevance grows, there’s an influx of diplomatic attention and development assistance as external powers seek to curry favor with the sixteen countries. Australia, India, Japan, and the United States (the Quad) seeks to bolster regional engagement to address key regional issues including climate, connectivity, economic development, and maritime security.

Australia Climate Change & Climate Action

In the News

Mar 27, 2024

Webster quoted by Axios on US housing shortage effects on climate transition

Read the full newsletter here.

Climate Change & Climate Action Economy & Business
