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Jul 5, 2024

With few options left, a limited peacekeeping force in Gaza could be the answer 

By Ahmed F. Alkhatib

The Biden administration should push for small steps that could plant seeds for transformation and sustainable stability in the Gaza Strip.

Conflict Israel


Jul 2, 2024

Hamas’s resistance doctrine is making it harder to broker a deal

By Amir Asmar

Hamas views its resistance as religiously mandated, and nine months of military and political pressure have not altered its position.

Conflict Israel


Jul 1, 2024

Diversification and growth: How the US-Morocco FTA boosts Rabat’s modern trade

By Amin Mohseni-Cheraghlou

With sustained commitment and strategic planning, the next twenty years can bring even more prosperity and development for the Moroccan economy and greater profits for US businesses operating in the kingdom.

Africa Economy & Business


Jun 25, 2024

A world in crisis is good news for North Africa’s political elites

By Alia Brahimi, Karim Mezran

Europe should not assume that increasing transactional dealings with these elites will produce stability on its southern frontier.

Conflict Libya


Jun 24, 2024

The Syrian electoral system guarantees inequality

By Vladimir Pran and Maroun Sfeir

The framework of the block vote is so advantageous to the Baath Party that opposition parties would not stand a chance to win a significant number of seats.

Democratic Transitions Elections


Jun 18, 2024

From rebel factions to an army: Efforts to tame the Syrian National Army

By Levent Kemal

The ultimate goal of reforming the SNA is to create space for a self-sufficient political actor that organizes public policies.

Conflict Europe & Eurasia


Jun 14, 2024

Razing the dead: Contextualizing IDF cemetery desecration in Gaza

By Charles Johnson

When the IDF razes Gazan cemeteries, it also razes Palestinian heritage, culture, and claims to the land.

Conflict Human Rights


Jun 13, 2024

Sanctioning the ICC over Israel is a strategic misstep for the US

By Ibrahim Al-Assil

The possibility of sanctioning the ICC is strategically futile and undermines long-term US interest in an increasingly uncertain and multipolar world.

Conflict Human Rights


Jun 11, 2024

Hezbollah escalates in the shadow of US-Israel tensions over Rafah

By David Daoud and Ahmad Sharawi

Hezbollah intensified its attacks against Israel since early May—shifting from pulling its punches on causing Israeli casualties to noticeably seeking to draw blood.

Conflict Israel


Jun 10, 2024

ISIS fell, but the conditions that created the terrorist group still exist in Iraq

By Abbas Kadhim

The pervasive culture of corruption and a poor economy have been among the leading conditions that contributed to the rise of ISIS in Iraq.

Corruption Democratic Transitions