
GeoTech Cues

Jan 25, 2023

AI generates new policy risk

By Jonno Evans

New AI tools will have a huge impact on how people work and live and can support innovation and productivity across sectors. But it is also important to be mindful of its potential for misuse. Governments, policymakers, and other stakeholders must be proactive to ensure that these tools are not exploited to cause harm.

Technology & Innovation

GeoTech Cues

Aug 22, 2022

Beyond CHIPS: Prioritizing standardization is critical for US competitiveness

By Mary Saunders, Giulia Neaher

The CHIPS and Science Act, signed into law by President Biden on August 9, 2022, sends a strong message in support of a market-led standards system to bolster domestic technology innovation and competitiveness. In addition to nearly $53 billion in funding to encourage domestic manufacture of semiconductor chips, the CHIPS Act includes some $11 billion for […]

Technology & Innovation

GeoTech Cues

Jul 22, 2022

Health challenges are intimately linked to climate change. How will we prepare?

By Tiffany Vora

Introduction In 2018, a report from the Lancet Countdown firmly established that rising temperatures and extreme weather events are accelerating health risks all over the world; the 2021 report from the same group described the situation as “code red.” Fortunately, accelerating innovation in technology is delivering the opportunity to radically transform the future of health—while […]

China Resilience & Society

GeoTech Cues

Jun 17, 2022

The next phase of US-China economic and technological decoupling

By Kit Conklin

The Rebuttable Presumption: President Joe Biden signed the UFLPA into law in December 2021, and enforcement of the Act begins on June 21st, 2022. The Act bans the import of goods or commodities from China produced with forced labor through a “rebuttable presumption,” which states that all goods produced in Xinjiang and/or supply chains connected […]

China Economy & Business

GeoTech Cues

Feb 15, 2022

At the nexus of technology and security: Biometrics at the border

By Seth Stodder, Thomas S. Warrick

In November 2020, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published a proposed rule to expand biometric processing to all non-US citizens and remove port limitations on the use of biometrics in the exit environment. The proposal has drawn a flurry of comments, both positive and negative with multiple privacy and immigrant-advocacy organizations raising objections to the continuation of CBP’s use of facial biometrics.

Americas Security & Defense

GeoTech Cues

Feb 9, 2022

The ecosystemization of Russia’s Big Tech

By Maxwell Kushnir

There is an increasingly visible phenomenon within Russia's Big Tech scene: the pursuit of horizontal monopolization of the internet, or 'ecosystemization.'

Digital Policy Financial Regulation

GeoTech Cues

Jan 28, 2022

Cybersecurity in service delivery

By Andrés de Jongh

As in any era of exponential growth, the speed at which benefits are created for society is closely followed by potential threats that must be guarded against. Cyber risks pose a threat to the efficient delivery of key services and to the personal information of individual citizens. Service delivery is rapidly becoming more digital on the infrastructure front, but the range of electronic government solutions that have been deployed is even broader.

Technology & Innovation
example of health technology with test tubes

GeoTech Cues

Dec 22, 2021

How DNA-reading technologies promise to boost social and economic trust

By Borja Prado

The expansion of non-medical uses of DNA-reading technologies promises to unleash the immense benefits of bio-technologies in our societies, while expanding the public’s trust in its capabilities.

Economy & Business Resilience & Society

GeoTech Cues

Dec 17, 2021

The next step in community-centric service delivery

By Andrés de Jongh

Communities are evolving; as is the data they generate, so government service delivery must evolve as well. Richer data comes with a wide array of opportunities and a proportionate number of risks. Therefore, the future of digital government and centric service delivery requires a comprehensive roadmap that takes into account each area’s starting point, resources, and objectives.

Technology & Innovation

GeoTech Cues

Dec 8, 2021

Postpandemic letdown and western disarray

By Mathew Burrows, Julian Mueller-Kaler, Kaisa Oksanen, and Ossi Piironen

After a spurt of inclusive growth, in which most segments saw gains, all the prepandemic structural problems resurfaced, particularly the inequalities that had grown worse under the pandemic.

China Cybersecurity