Peer Review Week 2024 Theme Announced: Innovation and Technology

Peer Review Week (PRW) is a virtual, community-led celebration designed to discuss specific topics related to current trends, advancements, challenges, and opportunities in publishing. Each year is dedicated to a unique theme, with recent years sparking conversations on integrity, diversity, transparency, and quality in peer review. As we prepare to host the tenth annual event, the PRW Steering Committee surveyed the global publishing landscape to make their voice heard in the selection of the 2024 theme. Nearly 500 people voted, and the Steering Committee recently announced the winning theme – Innovation and Technology in Peer Review!

The theme reflects the publishing ecosystem’s drive towards technical transformation, emerging (and evolving!) solutions, and refined best practices. The remaining, unchosen themes – DEIA, Ethical Integrity, and Optimizing the Reviewer Experience – will still be considered for future PRW events. The 2024 PRW Steering Committee co-chairs further detail this year’s theme in a recent The Scholarly Kitchen (TSK) article. PRW 2024 will be held from September 23-27!

The global research community is encouraged to get involved in PRW 2024! Let the PRW organizers know of your participation, see what others are doing to celebrate PRW, and follow along on social! Aries Systems is a proud member of the Peer Review Week Steering Committee alongside more than thirty industry organization and societies:

AiScholar, Aptara, Aries Systems, Asian Council of Science Editors (ASCE), Association of University Presses, Cabells, CACTUS, Charlesworth Group, Clarivate, EASE, Elsevier, Emerald Publishing, Enago, Hindawi, IEEE, Imperial College London, International Bunch, JAMA Network, Medical Review, Molecular Connections, Nature, Origin Editorial, Oxford University Press, Patient Safety Authority, PreReview, ReviewerCredits, Sage Publishing, SAHS, Scholastica, Storytelling for Science, The Royal Society of Publishing, The Royal Society of Chemistry, TU Delft OPEN Publishing, UKRIO, USMBA, and Wiley.



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