
The 4 Social Media Mistakes You Absolutely Need to Avoid

Follow this advice to have your professional Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok accounts looking their best
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Lizzie Soufleris

You’ve heard it before: Social media rewards the risk takers. The more vulnerable you are, and the more you tinker with a platform’s latest features, the better you’ll fare. But even in the ever-changing worlds of Meta, Twitter, and TikTok, there are some social media mistakes that are best to avoid.

AD PRO consulted a few experts on common errors and their best advice for building your digital presence.

Mistake 1. “People will hire me if they love my design work.”

One of the biggest, most consistently made social media mistakes? Assuming that photos of your work will be enough to turn a passive viewer into a client. Although interior designers routinely show post after post of polished interiors, many do so at the exclusion of sharing their most important marketing asset: Themselves.

“In the luxury market, clients buy you first and your portfolio second,” says personal branding coach Rachael Bozsik. “Meaning, they need to feel like they know you and can trust you, and you’ll serve as a professional adviser and ‘friend’ on behalf of their most important investment—their home.” Emily Glanz, founder of Social Butterfly Digital Marketing, agrees. “Your image is very important,” she says, advising designers to showcase themselves.

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Before you post any selfies, though, Bozsik says it’s critical to keep your client in mind: “If you want luxury clientele, use luxury images for posting. That means even for more personal photos, like those taken with your family—make sure they’re professional.” Glanz, on the other hand, feels that adding more candid, less-staged images is important. “Too many perfectly polished images can leave a feed looking stale. It’s important to also post pictures at site visits, construction sites, your team at lunch,” she says. “A lot of time the authentic posts get the best engagement.”

Interiors and architecture photographer Molly Rose says that only posting projects creates a feast-or-famine social media cycle between photo shoots. “When you’re ‘out’ of content, post some reels and stories. They can be once a week or even less, as long as you’re utilizing the other content types—process shots, images of yourself, and so on,” she says. “Give yourself permission to be flexible in the time between photo shoots.”

Mistake 2. “Captions and comments don’t matter.”

Yes, people have shorter attention spans than ever before, but assuming that everyone will ignore captions, comments, and your bio is a potentially costly mistake. “Your clients are going to read your Instagram posts prior to calling you,” Bozsik says. “So, use captions to tell a story about the client…of their obstacles and vision of the project. How you solved those problems and created a beautiful home.”

Interior and architecture photographer Molly Rose, who runs a course called “Instagram in a Day” for interior designers, says that captions are “an opportunity to educate a potential future client about what working with you could look like, how you resolve problems.” Glanz emphasizes that comments are equally important. “When you respond to comments, even with an emoji, it makes you seem approachable and friendly,” she says. “You don’t need to do this in real time, but within 24 or 48 hours. It lets people know they’ve been heard and most importantly, builds trust with your audience.”

When it comes to your bio on social media, Bozsik says it’s critical to zero in on your niche. “People don’t pay top dollar for general experts. I tell designer clients, ‘Stop waiting for people to figure out your brand. Declare it yourself.’ If you want to do custom new builds, put that in your social media bio. Stop waiting for people to figure out your brand.”

Mistake 3. “Editors won’t mind if I post.”

Content-deprived designers are often tempted to debut new projects on their social profiles before securing media placement. The problem? Editors often want to be first to publish a new project, and that includes social media. To be able to offer an exclusive, it’s critical to keep finished images off of Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and other platforms until it’s been published. Yes, that can mean waiting months—even more than a year if it’s a print exclusive. If this feels like too great a sacrifice, consider a digital home tour for a shorter publishing cycle and faster access to new social media content.

Mistake 4. “It’s all about metrics.”

Monitoring your number of followers, unfollows, views, likes, comments, DMs…. There are countless ways to measure your success (or failure) on social media. And although platforms can seem like modern-day playgrounds to gauge popularity, over-monitoring your metrics can put you on a mental roller coaster and keep you from the most important part of social media success: Consistency.

“Designers might think their challenges are coming up with original content or writing a caption, but I think the biggest challenge is posting consistently and showing up authentically,” Rose says. “If one is holding you back from the other, then I advise giving yourself a little slack on it. So if posting consistently means you’re not authentic, give up posting consistently so you can be more authentic. And vice versa. The number one thing with social media is to let go of the parts that give you anxiety and embrace the parts that give you joy and add to your creative tank.”