Client Relations

How to Vet Your Clients

Ask these questions before taking on a project to ensure your relationship with your future clients won’t go sour
How to vet your clients
Federico Gastaldi

No one likes to turn down potential business. But being selective about the clients you take on can pay dividends in the end. “Any designer who’s been in the profession for more than four weeks can share horror stories,” says Los Angeles designer Madeline Stuart. “But if you honor your internal radar, you can spot these potential [issues] and run in the opposite direction.” Here, she and other design talents offer AD PRO four considerations to keep in mind when it comes to vetting clients—and how to know when to say no.

Will the work be fun and fulfilling?

Even if a client was drawn to you for your work, you can’t assume their tastes will align with yours. L.A. interior designer David Netto begins conversations with prospective clients by sharing all the design ideas that come to his mind. Then he listens; if the meeting is in person, he watches the clients’ faces for physical cues too. If they object to more than three of the ideas, it’s probably not going to be a good fit. “There’s no point in trying to do something for someone who thinks they know better than you,” he says.

And along with who you’re working with, it’s important to understand what you’re working with. “If the house is historic and the client is interested in a restoration, I'll tend to jump at that,” says Stuart. “If it's new construction, I ask, Who’s the architect? Someone I know? Someone I respect?” She recalls the call she got from a famous individual who asked her to decorate his mother’s house. “After looking at images on a real estate website, I had to respectfully decline,” she says. “It might have been worthwhile financially, but I wouldn’t have wanted my name associated with such a hot mess of a house.”

Is there enough budget to do what you want?

Alignment on budget is also key. “I have to be honest in terms of how much I can take on,” says Stuart. “I’m completely involved in every project. As a result, my firm can’t afford to work on projects with limited scopes or budget.” Clients may be reluctant to provide a budget from the get-go, but Stuart likens that to visiting a doctor’s office for a physical and refusing to take off your clothes. “This is a relationship based on mutual trust, and if the potential client doesn’t feel comfortable from the start, it’s a red flag,” she says.

To get around budget-wafflers, San Francisco–based interior designer Jay Jeffers sets a strict minimum spend. “If hearing the number doesn’t deter them, then my assistant will set up a call,” he says.

Will you like working with them?

Dallas interior designer Jan Showers likes to conduct initial meetings in person when she can. “I find that when visiting with clients at their homes, you can really see whether working together would be mutually beneficial,” says Showers. “I ask a lot of questions—about their families, and their lifestyle. They are interviewing me and I am certainly interviewing them.” References, too, can offer helpful insights. “I might call a decorator they’ve worked with before,” says Netto. “Often I hear wonderful things. However, it is wise to turn down someone who cannot make or stick to decisions, is litigious, or who really wants to do it themselves.”

However, it’s not always so cut and dry. “Sometimes you see red flags, but also dollar signs,” says Jeffers. If you’re uncertain about taking on a job, decide how much you need the project. “I’ve definitely had projects where a client isn’t easy to work with, but pays their bills,” he says. “As long as they’re not inappropriate with my staff, we usually bite our tongues and do a good job for them.” Still, says Netto, it’s important to tread lightly. As he points out, “A waiter only has to take somebody giving them a hard time for maybe two hours; a decorator is signing up for years.”

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All projects come with expectations, and it’s important to control what you can. Netto considers the timeline. “If the desired schedule is not doable, I prefer to tell the truth and take the consequences,” he says. Showers looks at family dynamics. “If the husband and wife want completely different results, that can be something to keep an eye on,” she says. “I always ask who is the decider, both of you or just one of you?” Jeffers looks at any hires already in place—architect, contractor, lighting designer, landscape designer—to predict potential conflicts.

It’s important to keep your own expectations in check too: No matter how well you vet, the unpredictable nature of the business guarantees that conditions will almost never be perfect. Netto points out that accepting that fact is what’s key. “I used to worry about this stuff in the shower,” he says. “It gets easier as you get older.”