
8 Things Designers Wish They’d Known Before Making Their First Hire

Pros share their best advice on finding the right talent in a tight market
illustration representing a professional making a first hire for their business
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Hindsight is 20/20—especially when it comes to making that big first hire as a business owner. At some point, it becomes essential to start delegating tasks to sustain a burgeoning business, but searching for standout staff can feel daunting. We spoke with pros who weighed in on what they wish they could have told themselves before expanding their teams for the first time. Read on for takeaways regarding personality, training, and following your gut.

Personality is paramount

“While skill set is important for hires, personality fit and chemistry are just as crucial. You want someone who clicks with you, aims to please, and is a teachable, moldable employee who can loyally assist you with even more than you thought you needed!” —Maggie Griffin, Maggie Griffin Design

“You can train people to do a lot of things, but you can never change their vibe. Always make sure that their energy is a fit for your team, projects, and clients.” —Kristen Peña, K Interiors

“I wish I had known the importance of a new hire’s humility. In addition to demonstrating they are not too proud to do the small favors and tasks, maintaining humility foretells many of the more deep-rooted qualities of an employee in a team. I have seen it directly relate to an employee’s willingness to succeed, put time into details, and work together to overcome obstacles down the line.” —Kara Childress, Kara Childress Interior Design

“I think a huge factor that I didn’t fully realize when I was making my first hire is how important it is to have people around you that believe in what the team is working towards and have positive energy! Of course, basic technical skills are also critical in a starting position, but it isn’t everything. As long as they have that and have a positive attitude it sets them up for success in their position and with the firm.” —Emily Del Bello, Emily Del Bello Interiors

You can’t do it all

“I wish I had known how much professional freedom I would have once I was able to truly focus on the creative areas of my business as opposed to trying to manage everything from design to operations and accounting. Today, the strength of our team allows me to not only provide our clients with the best possible service, but it also creates space for me to pursue other exciting opportunities like developing a book and licensed product collections.” —Benjamin Johnston, Benjamin Johnston Design

Some fact-checking is necessary

“I used to trust everything I read on the resume and what I saw in their portfolios. I wish I knew back then to be sure to check in and chat with their references.” —Taniya Nayak, Taniya Nayak Design

“Listen to your instincts. New hires can put a lot on a resume, but you must listen to what they tell you. If you need a specific skill set (drafting, sourcing antiques, etc.), ask them about it and see how they respond and talk about it. If they are super comfortable and enthusiastic about it, they most likely have a good handle on it.” —Amy Sklar, Amy Sklar Design

Structure is crucial

“Ensure that there are processes and systems in place. It will be difficult for any new hire to succeed if they enter into chaos. Without an existing structure, you may be setting up your first employee for failure, which no one wants.” —Clara Jung, Banner Day Interiors

Prepare for your first hire early

“By the time I realized I might need to hire someone, I was already so overwhelmed that the thought of making space for the process of hiring someone felt like more work than just continuing to do everything myself! I’d love to have told my previous self that I could be preparing for my first hire early by thinking about what kinds of tasks I’d take off my plate, what tasks I’d keep, what skill sets they’d bring, and what kind of personalities I’d vibe with—and then hire from a place of optimism before it became a place of desperation!” —Noz Nozawa, Noz Design

“Two things I wish I knew before my first hire: the exact job description I wanted to hire, as opposed to just, ‘I need help! I hope they figure it out!’ and how much to pay someone at their level of experience. Every firm does it differently based on their needs and where they’re based. There doesn’t seem to be a universal job description or pay scale.” —Becky Nielsen, Becky Nielsen Interiors

Hire someone with a bit of experience

“When you’re in that early phase and ready to make that first or second hire, the whole dynamic and cost can seem daunting, and a lot of designers start by hiring an intern or junior designer, as I did. However, that can initially actually create more work than it does help, as juniors have little experience and need a lot of oversight. Instead, consider hiring someone with a few years of practice working at a firm, even if just part time. Their experience and familiarity with workflow and expectations will help take tasks off your plate, and if that works out, you can then add a junior who can be supported and coached by both of you.” —Stephanie Brown, Stephanie Brown Inc.

Hire with the future in mind

“Recently, I made my first big hire, adding a COO to help me steer my business into the next phase of growth. My advice is to hire for where you want your business to be. Don’t wait until you are comfortable. Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith. Just. Do. It. Educate, integrate, delegate, and trust! The business will follow, and the finances will fall into place.” —Isabel Ladd, Isabel Ladd Interiors

There’s always a learning curve

“It’s important to keep in mind that the benefits of bringing on a new hire are never immediate. You will almost always need to dedicate time and energy to getting your new hire comfortable and up to speed. Remind yourself that, just like with anything else in life, there will be a learning curve when someone takes on new responsibilities, and we all need to set our expectations accordingly.” —Elizabeth Krueger, Elizabeth Krueger Design