Tech Talk with the Experts

Your questions answered
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Are you interested in integrating technology into your work but don’t know where to start?

Do you have questions about how to select tech tools or responsible ways to use AI?

In this monthly column, a panel of digital mental health experts answer common questions about technology in psychological practice.

Meet the Tech Talk expert panel

headshot of Victoria Bangieva

Victoria Bangieva, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist who works at the intersection of clinical science and technology to advance health care through the integration of digital health solutions. Bangieva has over 8 years of experience in the digital health industry designing, developing, and disseminating digital measures and therapeutics to increase access to evidence-based tools and improve health outcomes. Through these efforts, Bangieva is dedicated to increasing integration of digital health solutions in routine care and research. Outside of her work in digital health, Bangieva maintains a small independent clinical practice and is involved in advocacy to increase utilization of digital health tools among health care professionals.

headshot of david cooper

David Cooper, PsyD, is a versatile leader with over 10 years of experience in digital health, digital therapeutics, and digital medicine. With a strong background in clinical psychology, Cooper has led the development, management, and implementation of digital health solutions, focusing on strategic business planning, new business development, and stakeholder engagement. His achievements include launching a global mental health product for Teladoc, standardizing processes, and developing strategic partnerships for Xealth, and managing a $2.5 million portfolio of mobile applications for the Defense Health Agency. Cooper holds a PsyD from Argosy University and a BA from the University of Florida.

headshot of Andrea Graham

Andrea K. Graham, PhD, (she/her) is assistant professor of medical social sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and codirector of the Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies. Her program of research focuses on designing, optimizing, and implementing digital mental and behavioral health interventions. She has a particular interest in disentangling core components of digital interventions that improve engagement and effectiveness, as well as collaborating across sectors to accelerate the translation of digital interventions from research into practice.

headshot of Charmain Jackman

Charmain F. Jackman, PhD, is a licensed psychologist of Barbadian heritage and the founder and CEO of InnoPsych, Inc. Growing up in a culture where the stigma of mental health was pervasive, but images of therapists of color were not, she decided that she was going to change that. Jackman has spent the last 20 years working with people of color in hospitals, clinics, courts, and schools, and one consistent point that she has observed is that people of color long for therapists who look like them—who understand them and who will do right by them. That knowledge has inspired Jackman to make it easier for people of color to find therapists of color. She also wants to change the negative views of therapy and to educate people of color about the necessity of taking care of their mental health and to empower communities to heal.

headshot of Kay Nikiforova

Kay Nikiforova’s (they/them) work focuses on the intersection of psychology and technology, and they have spent close to a decade involved in the mental health tech industry, including advising startups and nonprofits, ideating on and building new technology aimed at addressing health inequity and barriers to accessing care, and working to create technology-powered care models. Most recently as head of clinical and research at Violet, they developed a cultural competence benchmarking system and education framework, and currently conduct research on clinician and patient outcomes and create data models to identify quality care and health disparities. Nikiforova is currently pursuing their PhD in clinical psychology with a clinical and research focus on trauma exposure, identity-concordant and nonconcordant care, and mental health literacy and stigma.

headshot of Marie Onakomaiya

Marie M. Onakomaiya, PhD, MPH, a behavioral neuroscientist and clinical epidemiologist, with a PhD from Dartmouth College and an MPH from Columbia University, is committed to realizing the promise of digital health technologies in mental health care. With a multifaceted background in biomedical research, FDA and mental health policy, and innovative technologies including virtual reality and mobile-based applications, Onakomaiya is dedicated to bridging the gaps and unmet needs in the rapidly evolving landscape of mental health technology. As a member of APA’s Mental Health Technology Advisory Committee (MHTAC), Onakomaiya has embraced the opportunity to cultivate collaboration, inspire innovation, and drive initiatives to shape the transformative potential of established and emerging technologies in mental health care. With nearly 15 years of academic, government, and industry experience, Onakomaiya contributes her insights and expertise in translating scientific research, real-world data, and health policies into effective digital health solutions, to the mission and success of APA’s Office of Health Care Innovation and the MHTAC.

Date created: June 2024

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