Insights on the Pandemic’s Traumatic Effects and Global Implications

Cover of COVID-19: Insights on the Pandemic’s Traumatic Effects and Global Implications (special issue of Psychological Trauma, August 2020)

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Vol. 12, No. S1, August 2020
Item #: 5881209
ISBN: 978-1-4338-9385-8
Format: PDF icon PDF
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Articles in this issue

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Preliminary Findings from Wuhan

Potential Mental Health Effects of COVID-19

Resilience and Positive Psychology

Living With Isolation and Uncertainty

COVID-19 and Pre-Existing Conditions

Children and Youth

Grief and Loss

Substance Use Disorders


Moral Injury in Health Care Providers

Vicarious Trauma in Health Care Providers

Causes of Moral Injury in Health Care Providers

Interventions for Health Care Providers

Employment and Income

The Escalation of Interpersonal Violence

The Differential Impact of COVID-19 on Age and Disability

The Impact of COVID-19 on Refugees, Incarcerated, and Undocumented People

The Impact on Women and Sexual Minorities

Fostering Resilience in Communities


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