Behavior Analysis in School and Education Settings

Cover of Behavior Analysis in School and Education Settings (special issue of Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, August 2017)

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Claire St. Peter (Special Issue Editor)
Vol. 17, No. 3, August 2017
Item #: 6241703
ISBN: 978-1-4338-9113-7
Format: PDF icon PDF
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Articles in this issue

View the table of contents with abstracts on APA PsycNET

  • Introduction to the Special Issue: Behavior Analysis in Educational Settings
    Duane A. Lundervold and Claire St. Peter
  • Effects of the Good Behavior Game on Individual Student Behavior
    Jeanne M. Donaldson, Alyssa B. Fisher, and SungWoo Kahng
  • Preschool Life Skills Using the Response to Intervention Model With Preschoolers With Developmental Disabilities
    John Michael Falligant and Sacha T. Pence
  • Using Behavioral Skills Training to Teach High School Students to Implement Discrete Trial Training
    Evan H. Dart, Keith C. Radley, Christopher M. Furlow, and Ashley N. Murphy
  • Increasing Positive and Decreasing Negative Teacher Responses to Student Behavior Through Training and Feedback
    Alicia A. Mrachko, Douglas E. Kostewicz, and William P. Martin
  • Evaluation of Response Interruption and Redirection During School and Community Activities
    Kimberly N. Sloman, Rebecca K. Schulman, Mariana Torres-Viso, and Matthew L. Edelstein
  • Self-and-Match System Suppresses Vocal Stereotypy During Independent Work
    Andrew J. Bulla and Jessica E. Frieder

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