Big Data in Psychology

Special issue of Psychological Methods

Cover of Big Data in Psychology (special issue of Psychological Methods, December 2016)

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Vol. 21, No. 4, December 2016
Item #: 2272105
ISBN: 978-1-4338-9025-3
Format: PDF icon PDF
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Articles in this issue

Big Data in Psychology: Introduction to the Special Issue
Pages 447–457
Harlow, Lisa L.; Oswald, Frederick L.

A Practical Guide to Big Data Research in Psychology
Pages 458–474
Chen, Eric Evan; Wojcik, Sean P.

A Primer on Theory-Driven Web Scraping: Automatic Extraction of Big Data From the Internet for Use in Psychological Research
Pages 475–492
Landers, Richard N.; Brusso, Robert C.; Cavanaugh, Katelyn J.; Collmus, Andrew B.

Mining Big Data to Extract Patterns and Predict Real-Life Outcomes
Pages 493–506
Kosinski, Michal; Wang, Yilun; Lakkaraju, Himabindu; Leskovec, Jure

Gaining Insights From Social Media Language: Methodologies and Challenges
Pages 507–525
Kern, Margaret L.; Park, Gregory; Eichstaedt, Johannes C.; Schwartz, H. Andrew; Sap, Maarten; Smith, Laura K.; Ungar, Lyle H.

Tweeting Negative Emotion: An Investigation of Twitter Data in the Aftermath of Violence on College Campuses
Pages 526–541
Jones, Nickolas M.; Wojcik, Sean P.; Sweeting, Josiah; Silver, Roxane Cohen

Comparing Vector-Based and Bayesian Memory Models Using Large-Scale Datasets: User-Generated Hashtag and Tag Prediction on Twitter and Stack Overflow
Pages 542–565
Stanley, Clayton; Byrne, Michael D.

Theory-Guided Exploration With Structural Equation Model Forests
Pages 566–582
Brandmaier, Andreas M.; Prindle, John J.; McArdle, John J.; Lindenberger, Ulman

Finding Structure in Data Using Multivariate Tree Boosting
Pages 583–602
Miller, Patrick J.; Lubke, Gitta H.; McArtor, Daniel B.; Bergeman, C. S.

Statistical Learning Theory for High Dimensional Prediction: Application to Criterion-Keyed Scale Development
Pages 603–620
Chapman, Benjamin P.; Weiss, Alexander; Duberstein, Paul R.

Partial Least Squares Correspondence Analysis: A Framework to Simultaneously Analyze Behavioral and Genetic Data
Pages 621–651
Beaton, Derek; Dunlop, Joseph; Abdi, Hervé

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