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Showing 1-10 of 12 for "History"
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  1. Publication Cover Image

    Multicultural Therapy

    By Vasquez, Melba J. T.; Johnson, Josephine D.

    This book offers a carefully constructed overview of the history, theory, and practice of multicultural therapy, with case examples and ties to current events that bring the text to life.

    Copyright: 2022 | Paperback

  2. Publication Cover Image

    125 Years of the American Psychological Association

    Edited by Pickren, Wade E.; Rutherford, Alexandra

    This special anniversary volume describes the first 125 years of the American Psychological Association.  

    Copyright: 2018 | Hardcover

  3. Publication Cover Image

    Caribbean Psychology

    Edited by Roopnarine, Jaipaul L.; Chadee, Derek

    This book seeks to promote a more unified Caribbean psychology that goes beyond a Euro-American perspective to meet the unique needs of the culturally diverse inhabitants of this region and the diaspora.

    Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover

  4. Publication Cover Image

    History of Psychotherapy, Second Edition

    Edited by Norcross, John C.; VandenBos, Gary R.; Freedheim, Donald K.

    Published 20 years ago, the first edition of History of Psychotherapy (1992) is still considered the most comprehensive and authoritative resource on the subject. Building on the success of its predecessor, this new edition provides timely updates to reflect both the continuity and change in psychotherapy and features additional theory, research, practice, and training. Focusing on critical turning points, 78 eminent authors examine the impact of social, cultural, and economic factors on the development of psychotherapy. Each chapter highlights the historical roots, current manifestations, and future directions of the field. New to this edition are discussions on the emergence of multiculturalism, neuroscience, couples therapy, pharmacotherapy, spirituality and religion, and specialized research centers. Scholarly but engaging, comprehensive but accessible, this updated classic will prove ideal for students, practitioners, and libraries alike.  

    Copyright: 2011 | Hardcover

  5. Publication Cover Image

    Psychology in the Service of National Security

    Edited by Mangelsdorff, A. David

    This volume highlights the diverse contributions of military psychologists toward U.S. security and toward the discipline of psychology itself.

    Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover

  6. Publication Cover Image

    A Spiritual Strategy for Counseling and Psychotherapy, Second Edition

    By Richards, P. Scott; Bergin, Allen E.

    A Spiritual Strategy for Counseling and Psychotherapy, Second Edition shows mental health professionals how to deal sensitively with clients whose spirituality or religion is an important part of their lives. It highlights the therapeutic possibilities religion and spirituality can offer. Building on the success of the first edition, the new edition provides timely updates and additional theoretical grounding for integrating a theistic, spiritual strategy into mainstream psychology.

    Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover

  7. Publication Cover Image

    Critical Thinking About Psychology

    Edited by Slife, Brent D.; Reber, Jeffrey Stephen; Richardson, Frank Calvin

    In this fascinating volume, experts from varied subdisciplines critique assumptions peculiar to their specialty and then propose alternatives to replace the original assumptions. In analyzing what is taken for granted, this volume teaches critical thinking skills at the same time that it moves psychology in exciting new directions.

    Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover

  8. Publication Cover Image

    Understanding Terrorism: Psychosocial Roots, Consequences, and Interventions

    Edited by Moghaddam, Fathali M.; Marsella, Anthony J.

    This APA book provides theory and interventions for understanding, intervening, and preventing the challenge of terrorism.

    Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover

  9. Publication Cover Image

    Turns in the Road: Narrative Studies of Lives in Transition

    Edited by McAdams, Dan P.; Josselson, Ruthellen; Lieblich, Amia

    This book offers analysis of personal narratives reflecting on how individuals make meaning out life transitions.

    Copyright: 2001 | Hardcover

  10. Publication Cover Image

    Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, Volume III

    Edited by Kimble, Gregory A.; Wertheimer, Michael

    This APA book is part of a series that chronicles the lives of giants in the field of psychology and outlines their influences on psychology today.

    Copyright: 1998 | Paperback

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