
Support for Kyiv remains strong and unchanged - Crosetto

'Time has come for incisive diplomatic action alongside military aid'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 10 - Italy continues to strongly support Ukraine in the war triggered by the Russian invasion in February 2022, Defence Minister Guido Crosetto said on Wednesday.
    "Our support to Ukraine remains strong and totally unchanged," he told the Lower House after the government in December decided to extend military aid to Kyiv by a further year.

Crosetto also said "it seems the moment has come for incisive diplomatic action alongside the aid we are providing because there is a series of important signals coming from both sides".
    "Statements made by various Russian interlocutors show a slow and progressive maturation of a willingness to dialogue to put an end to the war" while "in Ukraine the internal front appears less united than in the past in supporting President Zelensky's policies", he added.  (ANSA).

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