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The Battle between the Gods and the Titans by Joachim Wtewael. The beginning of the Greek Gods

Greek Gods: The 7 Core Males Exposed

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The ancient Greeks were a polytheistic people and worshiped a multitude of gods. The most important gods of the Greek pantheon were the Twelve Olympians, so-called due to the belief that they resided on the peak of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece.

This group of deities consisted of Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon, and Zeus. This article will look at the male Olympians, i.e. Apollo, Ares, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Poseidon, and Zeus.

Zeus – King of the Gods

The leader of the Twelve Olympians and the king of the gods was Zeus. He was also worshipped by the ancient Greeks as the father of gods and men, and the god of the sky. According to Greek mythology, Zeus was the youngest son of the Titans Cronus and Rheia. His father, who feared that one of his children would overthrow him to become the new king of the gods, ate his children as soon as they were born.

When it came to Zeus’ turn, however, Rheia decided not to give him up to Cronus. Instead, she wrapped a stone in a blanket and gave it to her husband to devour. The baby Zeus was sent to Mount Dikte in Crete where he was raised in secret.

When he reached manhood, Zeus, through trickery, got his father to regurgitate his siblings, and they challenged the Titans. The resulting war is known as the Titanomachy, during which the Olympians triumphed over the older generation of gods. Thus, Zeus became the new king of the gods.

Zeus, king of gods. Source: BlackMac / Adobe Stock.

Zeus, king of gods. Source: BlackMac / Adobe Stock.

As the most important Olympian, Zeus is commonly represented in Classical Greek art. He is normally portrayed as a bearded man with long hair. Befitting his status as king of the gods, Zeus is usually depicted with a regal, sturdy, and mature comportment. Additionally, Zeus’ attributes include the lightning bolt, which is a symbol his power, the royal scepter, signifying his status as king, the eagle, and the cornucopia, or horn of plenty.

In Greek mythology, Zeus is also notorious for having affairs with various goddesses and mortal women, resulting in many offspring. Some of his best-known lovers and children include Alcmene, the human mother of Heracles, Europa, whose union with Zeus resulted in the birth of Minos, the legendary king of Crete, and the Titaness Leto, the mother of Apollo and Artemis.

In many cases, Zeus does not appear to his lovers in his actual form but takes on a disguise. In the famous case of Europa, for instance, he appeared as a bull, while he impregnated Danae, the mother of Perseus, by turning himself into a shower of gold.

Poseidon – Ruler of the Sea

One of Zeus’ brothers was Poseidon, who was given dominion over sea after the defeat of the Titans. As an older sibling of Zeus, Poseidon was swallowed by his father as soon as he was born and was only freed when Zeus challenged the Titans for supremacy.

In one version, however, Poseidon was not eaten by his father, but, like Zeus, was raised in secret. Rhea pretended that she had given birth to a foal and gave the animal to Cronus to swallow.

Apart from being the ruler of the sea and all that live in it, Poseidon was also believed to be the god of earthquakes, floods, droughts, and horses. The last association is somewhat bizarre due to the fact that Poseidon is not a terrestrial god. Nevertheless, the Greeks credit Poseidon with the creation of the first horse and the introduction of horse riding and chariot racing to mankind.

Like his brother Zeus, Poseidon is also depicted as a bearded man with long hair. While Zeus is armed with a lightning bolt, Poseidon’s weapon is the trident, which is a three-pronged spear used by fishermen.

Poseidon - god of the sea. (intrographics / Public Domain)

Poseidon - god of the sea. (intrographics / Public Domain)

According to Greek mythology, Poseidon’s trident, like Zeus’ lightning bolt, was forged by the Cyclops. While Poseidon is most famous for his connection to horses, the god of the sea is naturally associated with fish, marine creatures, and dolphins.

As the Greeks were closely linked to the sea, it is only natural that Poseidon was chosen as the patron god of a number of cities. In Athens, the foremost maritime power in the Mediterranean during the 5th century BC, Poseidon was the most important god after Athena.

In one myth, the two Olympians were vying to be the patron deity of Athens. In order to win the Athenians to their side each deity presented a gift to the people.

Poseidon struck the ground with his trident, bringing forth a spring of salty water, which was deemed by the people to be not of much use. Athena then offered them an olive tree, which was accepted by the Athenians. There was no bad blood between the between the two deities, as the two later co-operated to aid the Greeks during the Trojan War.

Hades – King of the Underworld

Another brother of Zeus was Hades. Although he is technically not considered to be an Olympian, Hades was an important god in the Greek pantheon, on par with Zeus and Poseidon. After the Titanomachy, Hades was given kingship of the underworld, and it was there, rather than on Mount Olympus, that Hades resided.

As the god of the dead, Hades ruled the underworld. Apart from that, Hades presided over the proper burial of the dead and funerary rites. Additionally, Hades was regarded to be a god of wealth, being the guardian of the treasures hidden in the earth, including precious metals and fertile soil for agriculture.

Like his two brothers, Hades is depicted as a bearded man with long hair. He is normally depicted in art with a staff, his symbol of power. This was used to bring the shades of the dead to the underworld.

His kingship over the underworld is represented by his crown and keys. On top of that, Hades is often accompanied by Cerberus, the legendary three-headed dog that guards the gates of the underworld.

Hades - god of the underworld with Cerberus. (DIEGO73 / CC BY-SA 3.0)

Hades - god of the underworld with Cerberus. (DIEGO73 / CC BY-SA 3.0)

One of the best-known myths about Hades is his abduction of Persephone, the daughter of Demeter. In this myth, Hades desires a queen and abducts Persephone during one of his rare trips above the underworld. Hades brings the goddess back with him to the underworld and keeps her hidden there.

In the meantime, Persephone’s mother, Demeter, who is the goddess of harvest and agriculture, mourns the loss of her daughter and causes failure to mankind’s crops. When Demeter learned that the it was Zeus’ idea she went to him to complain.

Zeus had no choice but to command Hades to surrender Persephone, which he did. During her stay in the underworld, however, Persephone had eaten a few pomegranate seeds and therefore was forced to return to Hades for part of the year.

The remaining Olympian gods are considered to be the second generation of deities and are all the sons of Zeus, though by different mothers. The two sons of Zeus by his wife, Hera, were Ares and Hephaestus. With the Titaness Leto, Zeus fathered Apollo, while his union with the nymph Maia resulted in Hermes. Finally, Dionysus was the offspring of Zeus and Semele, a mortal princess of Thebes.

Ares - The God of War

The Greeks worshipped Ares as the god of war, though he was neither a very well-liked nor a trusted god. Compared to other Greek deities associated with war, Ares is depicted as a rather negative figure. For instance, Athena, though a war goddess, represents wisdom and thoughtfulness during war, while Ares represents brute force, destruction, and the horrors of war.

Moreover, Ares is a rather fickle god, as he may support one side today and the opposing side the next day. Despite his great physical strength and power, Ares did not always emerge victorious. In a number of Greek myths, Ares was overpowered by more resourceful opponents.

Ares the Greek god of war. (Mary Harrsch / CC BY-SA 2.0)

Ares the Greek god of war. (Mary Harrsch / CC BY-SA 2.0)

His most humiliating defeat was at the hands of his lame brother, Hephaestus. In this myth, Ares and Aphrodite, Hephaestus’ wife, were having an affair. When Hephaestus found out he decided to catch them in the act and forged an unbreakable net.

He caught the adulterous couple and drug them before the other gods to be shamed. As the god of war, Ares is commonly depicted in his war gear, i.e. helmet, armor, and shield.

Hephaestus – God of Smiths

Unlike his handsome brother Ares, Hephaestus is described as being extremely ugly and lame. In one version of the myth of Hephaestus’ birth, Hera, disgusted by Hephaestus’ lameness, threw the baby down from Mount Olympus. Beneath this deity’s unattractive appearance, however, is a brilliant mind and Hephaestus was regarded to be the god of smiths, and the smith of the gods.

Hephaestus was the god of smiths and smith of the gods. (Shuishouyue / Public Domain)

Hephaestus was the god of smiths and smith of the gods. (Shuishouyue / Public Domain)

The Greeks also believed that Hephaestus had his workshops in volcanoes, and therefore was also the god of volcanoes. Hephaestus’ frailty and physical imperfections, as well as abuse at the hands of the other gods, sets him apart from his fellow Olympians and makes him one of the most human Greek deities.

In Classical art, Hephaestus is normally shown holding a pair of tongs and a hammer, the tools of the trade. At times, he is also shown riding a donkey, an animal sacred to the god.

Apollo - God of Prophecy

Apollo was another son of Zeus and worshipped as the god of prophecy, knowledge, music and poetry, healing, and plagues. In later times, he was also considered to be a solar deity. As the god of prophecy, he was the patron of Delphi, where the Oracle of Delphi resided.

According to one Greek myth, Apollo became the site’s patron deity after slaying Python, the giant serpent that guarded the mysterious chasm from which the oracle obtained Apollo’s prophecies.

The Greeks also credited Apollo with the invention of the lyre, a musical instrument that looks like a small harp. Some, however, attribute this invention to Hermes. In art, Apollo is commonly depicted as a good-looking youth.

Apollo and the Muses on Parnassus. (Kameraad Pjotr / Public Domain)

Apollo and the Muses on Parnassus. (Kameraad Pjotr / Public Domain)

In some instances, he is shown with a lyre, in order to emphasize his role as the god of music. In others he is depicted with a bow and a quiver of arrows.

This is in line with his status as an excellent marksman who never missed his target. During the Trojan War, Apollo was a supporter of the Trojans and sent a plague into the Greek camp with his arrows.

Hermes - Messenger of the Gods

Hermes was born after Maia, a nymph, and one of the seven Pleiades, was raped by Zeus in a cave on Mount Cyllene, Arcadia. Hermes is best known for his role as the messenger of the gods and thus was the patron god of heralds, messengers, and diplomacy. Hermes was also in charge of those aspects of human life that involved movement, including travelers, hospitality, trade, and roads.

Hermes – messenger of the gods - with his mother Maia. (Bibi Saint-Pol / Public Domain)

Hermes – messenger of the gods - with his mother Maia. (Bibi Saint-Pol / Public Domain)

Other areas under Hermes’ jurisdiction were astronomy and astrology, language and writing, and athletic contests and gymnasiums. Lastly, Hermes was also the patron god of thieves. This is due to the fact that while still an infant, Hermes had successfully stolen Apollo’s cattle.

Hermes is sometimes credited with the invention of the first lyre, which was made out of a tortoise shell. The prodigious acts of the infant Hermes caught the attention of Zeus, who made him one of the Olympians. In art, Hermes is normally depicted with a herald’s wand, winged sandals, a hat, and a short cloak, all of which reflect his role as a messenger.

Dionysus - God of Wine and Revelry

Arguably the most bizarre member of the Twelve Olympians is Dionysus. He is the only one of them who had a mortal mother. Dionysus’ mother was Semele, who was the daughter of Cadmus, the king of Thebes, and his wife Harmonia. In one myth, Hera, jealous of Semele, tricked the pregnant princess into asking Zeus to appear to her in his full glory.

Zeus was forced to oblige and the unfortunate princess was burned to ashes by the heat of his lightning bolts. Zeus recovered the unborn Dionysus from his mother’s ashes, sewed him into his thigh, and carried him until he was ready to be born. The baby Dionysus was first entrusted to the care of Silenus, a minor rustic god, and later to his aunt, Ino, Semele’s sister.

When he came of age, Dionysus traveled all over the land and even led a military expedition against the Indians. Finally, Dionysus descended to the underworld, retrieved his mother, and brought her to Mount Olympus, where she was transformed into the goddess Thyone.  

As the god of wine and revelry, Dionysus' attributes include a staff tipped with a pine-cone (known as a thrysos), a crown of ivy, and a drinking cup. In Classical art, he is either depicted as a bearded old man, or as an effeminate youth with flowing hair. He is also commonly shown accompanied by a retinue of satyrs and maenads.

Dionysus – god of wine. (Derek Key / CC BY-SA 2.0)

Dionysus – god of wine. (Derek Key / CC BY-SA 2.0)

Top image: The Battle between the Gods and the Titans by Joachim Wtewael. The beginning of the Greek Gods                Source: Public Domain

By Wu Mingren


Atsma, A. 2017. Apollon. [Online] Available at:

Atsma, A. 2017. Ares. [Online] Available at:

Atsma, A. 2017. Dionysos. [Online] Available at:

Atsma, A. 2017. Greek Gods. [Online] Available at:

Atsma, A. 2017. Haides. [Online] Available at:

Atsma, A. 2017. Hephaistos. [Online] Available at:

Atsma, A. 2017. Hermes. [Online] Available at:

Atsma, A. 2017. Poseidon. [Online] Available at:

Atsma, A. 2017. Zeus. [Online] Available at:

Gill, N. 2019. Apollo, the Greek God of the Sun, Music, and Prophecy. [Online] Available at:

Gill, N. 2019. Ares: The Greek God of War and Violence. [Online] Available at:

Gill, N. 2019. Dionysus. [Online] Available at:

Gill, N. 2019. Hephaestus, the Greek God of Fire and Volcanoes. [Online] Available at:

Gill, N. 2019. Hermes Greek God. [Online] Available at:

Gill, N. 2018. The Greek God Hades, Lord of the Underworld. [Online] Available at:

Gill, N. 2017. The Greek God Poseidon, King of the Sea. [Online] Available at:

Gill, N. 2018. What You Need to Know About the Greek God Zeus. [Online] Available at:



Hello DHTWY,

Alright, this is an exciting article DHWTY thank you for sharing your wonderful article.

First things first I would like too address Hades, Poseidon, Zeus, I think this is where people got The Holy Trinity confused with these 3 Being's.

When for example, some one gets baptized at least, in Christian Setting: I just found out that Judaism does Baptism as well...

As I was saying in Christian Settings when one is Baptized; the minister who is often, assisted, by the Assistant Pastor states the following: "So and So I now Baptized you in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit", most people generally refer to the Holy Spirit as The Great Uncle.

In the African American Churches; on the other hand, the Pastor's say "So and So I now Baptize You in The Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost", now that I'm aware that The Holy Ghost/The Holy Spirit is Woman then this means there isn't a great-uncle.

I believe it is because of those Greek stories about Hades, Poseidon and Zeus The Big Three that people believe in a great-Uncle.

Then there are those weapons of choice that the Zeus statues depict him carrying.

A Thunder-Bolt or sometimes two odd spear like weapons with two prongs attached too it in the gods hands.

Apparently, wherever weather deities were introduced in The Ancient World there always shown carrying these Weapons.

Due too intense study of Enoch I'm certain that 3 Fallen Angel's of The Watchers carried those weapons that produced lightening...

Baraqel I know for a fact his name means Giver of Lightening and or Lightening Giver.

Then there's Poseidon's Trident.

I remember looking at the glossy pictures in a Big Family Bible and seeing a depiction of Lucifer and one-third of his Fellow Angels thrown out of Heaven.

This was because of the War they ignited in Heaven.

Lucifer was grasping a Trident in his Hand; not a pitch-fork.

The symbol of that Trident is depicted nearly all over the World too.

Then there's Hades but He's mentioned in Revelation and is along with his brothers and others like Him such as Death will be executed in The Lake of Fire. All persons who follows in Lucifers or The False Prophet and even The Watcher Angels and Their Children; thereafter, will taste the Second Death where Probation is over for everyone.

To me these greek stories are lining up with The Biblical Book's of Enoch.

According too what the Greeks say these deities lived on Mt. Olympus?

According to Enoch 1 The Book of the Watchers Mt. Olympus does indeed exists but, it's not of our World, Our Planet.

Mt. Olympus is in God's Country although, while The Greeks identified the mountain as Mt. Olympus in Enoch it is The Holy Mountain of God Mt. Sinai.

Enoch describes the Holy Mountain as Vast huge massive think of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Everest packed inside Each other Enoch said this Mountain filled the Heaven's up.

As for the Titans that walked the Earth they did indeed.

Enoch testifies that they grew 3000 feet in Height some Biblical Scholars dispute that claim and say they were nearly 450 feet instead well I've decided too follow Enoch's words why?

Man took it upon Himself to remove Enoch from The Holy Bible Not, God so I'm going too stick with Enoch's Word's that the Titans stood at the great Height of 3000 feet.

They were Barbaric, Cruel, oppressive, Tyrannical, Vicious violent, towards Earth's inhabitants and were Cannibals hence the reason the Greeks said that Cronus ate his children now you take all the pictures and art work depicting Cronus eating his children then add 199 more Cronus' doing the same thing not just to their children but too us as well then you get Enoch testimony.

In other words the Greeks confirm Enoch 1 The Book of The Watchers; this is Earth's sacred History.

These Titans however are known in Hebrew as Nephilims/Rephalims their nature was all screwed up because their Father's were formerly of The Holy Angels known as The Watchers.

They could not grasp the Nephilims/Rephalims their wayward nature's.

Then there's the matter of the Twelve Olympians?

Officially Enoch provides at least anywhere between 40 to 56 names of the Fallen Watcher Angels that left their Abode in Heaven And came too Earth where they married Human Women and of course the Nephilims/The Rephalims & The Titans whereas The Titans in turn had Children of Their own.

Now Enoch in all fairness only shares these 40 to 56 names but I do have a feeling we keep reading All the stories out there classified as Myths we'll be able too find the rest of their name's too.

Thanks too Enoch I now know these Mythical Stories are True.

I think that the other 144 Fallen Angel's that's out there we're just going to have too figure out their current names and then translate that Name into Hebrew (that's because Enoch 1,Enoch 2 Enoch 3 were written in Hebrew originally but some of The Dead Sea Scrolls had a smattering of Aramaic on those same Scrolls.

I forgot to share their name's with you give me a moment...

1. Semyaza or Samjaza
2. Artaqifa
3. Armen well that answers where Armenia got their Name!
4. Kokabel
5. Turael
6. Rumjal well now I know where Rum came from!
7. Danjal
8. Neqael
9. Baraqel means Giver of Lightening in Hebrew
10. Azazel war-god temple discovered in Turkey in 2020.
11. Armaros well that answers where Amorous originated
12. Batarjal this maybe that deity baal or Ba'al fallen Angel.
13. Busasejal
14. Hananiel
15. Turel
16. Simapesiel
17. Jetrel
18. Tumael
19. Turel
20. Rumael
21. Azazel Ningirsu war deity His house found in Anatolia, Turkey his picture etched in Stone a Cherub Fallen Angel.
22. Jeqon led the Angels astray too Sin against God.
23. Asbeel
24. Gadreel tricked Eve in Eden He was The Serpentine.
25. Penemue
26. Kasdeja
27. Taba'et
28. Kasbeel he was Chief of Oaths
29. Araklba
30. Rameel
31. Ramiel
32. Ramiel
33. Danel
34. Daniel
35. Ezeqiel
36. Baraqijal
37. Asael
38. Zaqiel
39. Samsapeel
40. Satarel I think this might be Ares again might be...
41. Jomjael
42. Sariel
43. Shamsiel
44. Sariel
45. Sariel
46. Araqiel
47. Amezarak
48. Tamiel
49. Urukibel
50. Tamiel
51. Ezeqiel
52. Zaqiel
53. Satal aka Atlas
54. Yomiel
55. Daniel
56. Ananel

All these names of the Watcher Angels are in Hebrew, but, when the Tower of Babel happened God went in and changed the languages from Hebrew; into many languages so these Angels name's and Their children then changed too.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that they did live here on Earth but because of the multiple Crimes committed against God, Committed against Humanity, and Committed against Nature of course they were in fact dealt with by God their fate is made known in the Epistle of Jude chapter 1.

As for how their children like Zeus Apollo Ares and the other greek deities because of their Cruel Oppressive Nature they were turned into Evil-Spirits by God this was because of their vile natures that God did this plus this is also an example of God can't be Bought.

That's all I have too say about the greek Olympians and
Mt. Olympus, I'm sure as I continue to study Enoch and Jubilees I'll learn more important Biblical Subjects and Topics which is located in God's Country.

There isn't a rocket or shuttle Man can build too try an reach God's Country for it isn't our time to be there in Heaven.

Thanks for sharing this article DHTWY.

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Wu Mingren (‘Dhwty’) has a Bachelor of Arts in Ancient History and Archaeology. Although his primary interest is in the ancient civilizations of the Near East, he is also interested in other geographical regions, as well as other time periods.... Read More

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