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The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley


Did a race of giant humans once roam the Biblical lands, Europe and North America? Over 300 historical accounts of giant human skeletons are presented for the first time. Massive human skeletal remains, burial mound types, symbolism, etymology, numerology and ceremonial centers are compared in the Biblical Levant, the British Isles and the Ohio Valley with stunning similarities. Genesis 6:4, "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown."

The giant offspring of this union between the sons of God and the daughters of men were called the Nephilim. This book takes the leap from mythology to science to discover that the Nephilim were the last vestiges of primitive species; who were known for their gigantic height. The Nephlim spread from the Biblical Lands to the British Isles and the Ohio Valley. Their open-air earthen and stone temples and burial mounds, containing the remains of giants have stood the testament of time; leaving an indelible mark upon our soil. Herein are the historical accounts of the giant skeletons that have been discovered within burial mounds and subsurface tombs in the Biblical Lands, the British Isles and Europe and North America. Discover the "secrets" given to the Nephilim by the Fallen Angles. Discover who Built Stonehenge and how it was the prototype of the many henges in the Ohio Valley. Discover the accounted giants in the Bible, called the Amorites and their numerology codex of Gematria that dictates 666 as the Sun Father and 1080 as the Lunar or Earth Mother and how these numbers are present in the Bible, Stonehenge and the Earthworks in the Ohio Valley.

Discover the Amorites Sacred Geometry, and where it is found within the Earthworks of the British Isles and Ohio Valley. Discover a giant race called the Dinaric whose remains have been found in Jerusalem, in burial mounds at Stonehenge and the Ohio Valley. Discover the evidence of advanced mathematics of pi and square roots of a number that was discovered by the Amorites and how it is evident at Stonehenge and within the earthworks in the Ohio Valley. Discover Semitic words found in Native American languages. Discover what Native American tribes were allied to and later absorbed the Nephilim giants.  Discover what Native American tribes were the "Hopewell" mound builders in the Ohio Valley.  Discover the northern Eurasian origins of the Sioux, Cherokee and Iroquois peoples. Discover the evidence that the Sioux, Cherokee and Iroquois were ancient seafarers who came to North America as early as 7000 B.C.

This is a must read for anyone who wants to know the true ancient history of North America. It will also provide a historical affirmation of one of the most mysterious chapters in the Bible.


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The New Perspective is a current philosophy studying the process of life on Earth with respect to the evolutionary process and life-cycle of the planets. A pattern is recognisable through biogeographical studies that determines the physical uniqueness or unique characteristic of animals on Earth. This pattern is directly correlated to the formation of the Earths structure from head to tail. The pattern explains the regional variations of globally distributed species but is also evident in the animals that lived as recently as 10000 years ago or less - Irish deer, cave bear, saber tooth tiger, cave lion and the wooly rhinoceros ect. The same pattern is also evident through dinosaur records. 

What conditions or changing conditions determine the ability for life on Earth to change in size maintaining distinctive characteristics?. It is measured that the Earth is slowing very fractionally in it's rotation and we know that rotation is relative to the distance from the sun. Ancient fossil coral, records the number of days in a year of which 420 days existed in a year an estimated 420 million years ago. Here are the number of days on each of the following planets. 420 days per year puts Earth at a position further from the sun, roughly a quarter of the distance to Mars.  

Mercury  1       Venus 1        Earth  365      Mars 670       Jupiter 10504      Saturn 25292  

With this changing environmental movement through the Goldilocks zone, time is also altered as a year or revolution becomes a larger value. This life-cycle movement for the planets allows scientific records to be view giving logic to this size variation through all fossil records. For extended articles explaining these newly discovered patterns and planetary movements please visit;-